Julia Winston Encourages Clients To Live A BRAVE Life

Julia-Winston-BRAVE-CoachJulia Winston is the middle manager’s maestro, founder and executive coach for BRAVE Communication, and soon-to-be life coach with BRAVE Life.

Brave Communication is a leadership development and coaching service for co-managers and middle managers. Winston encourages and teaches these workers how to “lead from the middle.” The topics covered in her sessions include time management, communication, conflict resolution, employee engagements and change management.

“Change management is how you introduce new ideas to employees,” Winston said. “How to create buy-in, implementation and accepting push back are all parts of change management that can make it easier. It is not about you pushing change, but about the team embracing it.”

The name for both companies, BRAVE Communication and BRAVE Life, came from Winton’s own reminder to herself that she needs to be brave to face life and make changes.

“It’s a reminder that starting my own business is the greatest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” Winston said. “When I was first starting, I would tell myself ‘Julia, you have to be brave.’”

Winston’s coaching method has already shown great success with her clients, both inside and outside of the business world. Hope Harris-Gayle was a client who felt as if Winston truly connected with her and listened to her.

“As a coach, Julia gets it,” Harris-Gayle said. “I would say something, and she would reflect it back with perfect understanding of not just what I said but what I was trying to say. Also, her enthusiasm for my success was so encouraging. She’s a true coach in every sense of the word!”

Other clients have been impressed with Winston’s trustworthiness and her promise of confidentiality. Angela Gist is a previous client who felt comfortable enough with Winston to open up to her fully.

“Interacting with Julia is always a positive experience,” Gist said. “She’s trustworthy, so you know that she is going to lead you in the right direction. I know that our calls are going to be confidential, so I don’t have to worry about risking anything by telling her my perception of things, situations.”

Due to the continued success of BRAVE Communication, Winston has decided to begin helping people start living the life they want with her newest venture, BRAVE Life.

“Imagine if you could just stop and drop everything you are doing,” Winston said. “You say ‘no’ to everything. And then, slowly, piece by piece, you start picking up the pieces and activities in your life that are the most important to you. That’s what BRAVE Life is. I help you define what a brave life looks like to you.”

The biggest pitfall that most people struggle with, and that Winston can help address, is outward living.

“Outward living is assuming that there is some new thing that will satisfy you,” Winston said. “Is it more money, another job, weight loss, or writing that book? In six weeks, I will give you a concrete, significant movement to stop living your life according to someone else’s agenda and to find out what is essential to you.”

Winston created both BRAVE Communication and BRAVE Life to help others. There was a time when she did not value her voice and her skills, but that has changed. Now, she wants to help others be brave enough to embrace those aspects of themselves as well.

“Be brave enough to find your voice and passion and go after it,” Winston said. “You are your greatest asset, and it is not selfish to invest in yourself. The act of investing in yourself confirms your value to you. You have to know you are worth it.”

BRAVE Life will have a kickoff week beginning Jan. 16. For more information, check out the videos below or visit www.thebravelifewithjulia.com

Amy Goodin is a writer for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at argoodin12@gmail.com.

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