Christmas Tree shopping in Oxford has already begun, but there are still some trees ready to be adopted by local families.
Oxford in Bloom has ordered approximately 175 trees from North Carolina for the Christmas season. The Fraser trees range from 3 feet to 15 feet. One Oxford family has already snagged one of their 15-footers. Oxford in Bloom is located after the roundabout at 1446 S Lamar Blvd.
The Barn is another place locals in town get their Christmas trees. Their Christmas trees are shipped in from North Carolina. All of their trees are Fraser Firs ranging from 3 feet to 12 feet. However, they are almost sold out with only six trees left in their store.
The Barn sold most of their trees the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday has become the biggest selling day because families are all together to decorate.
Alex Kitchens is the social media editor for She can be reached at
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