Theta Psi Chapter Hosts Financing Forum for UM Students
On Wednesday, the UM Theta Psi Chapter hosted a financing forum for all students interested in learning more about credit cards, budgeting techniques, obtaining good credit stores, etc. The branch manager of Guaranty Bank, Mary Reeder, spoke with students about credit reports. She discussed what your credit report contains and ways to build your credit.
“I think classes and forums would do great in college institutions to prepare students for the real world,” Reeder said.
Reeder’s company also visits local middle schools and high schools to teach the importance of saving. The classes are called “Teach A Child to Save” and “A Banker in Every Classroom.”
Tracy Harmon, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., was also a speaker in the forum. Harmon works with Operation Hope. She spoke with UM students on the importance of budgeting. Her two key components were knowing your income and knowing how much is coming out of it.
Operation Hope was founded in 1992 by John Hope Bryant. It was designed to educate on the importance of budgeting and helping others to become financially fit.
There were over 50 UM Students in attendance to learn more and have dialogue with these business professionals concerning credit issues. Jayla Jones, a sophomore, said she hopes that there are more forums like these to come before she graduates.
“I really enjoyed this forum because I am very dependent on my parents, and it was great to actually sit down and write out how much money I will need for different expenses,” Jones said.
“We decided to create this forum for students and invite local bankers to speak with them because I feel it is something we as young adults should learn,” Amber Graham said.
Graham is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and helped arrange the forum.
“Having good credit is important and I would hate to ruin my credit at a young age,” Graham said.
Graham said she and her sorority sisters look forward to planning more informative events for UM students in the near future.
By D’Lacia McKinley, a student of the Meek School of Journalism and New Media. She can be reached at dmckinle@go.olemiss.edu.