HottyToddy.com Employees Try Facebook’s Virtual Reality On Campus
We sent Hottytoddy.com employees Jeff Hamm and Alex Kitchens to experience Facebook’s multi-city immersive virtual reality tour on campus.
Facebook’s multi-city immersive virtual reality tour was in Oxford Friday and Saturday at The Pavillion.
According to Facebook, “The tour brought an immersive experience with Samsung’s Gear VR, which was developed in collaboration between Samsung and Oculus, a team at Facebook. Attendees were guided through several virtual worlds and were able to leave with a GIF of themselves in VR to share with friends. Bring your friends and family to see what VR is all about!”
Videos of Jeff’s and Alex’s first reactions to the virtual reality tour:
Alex’s Experience:
“It felt like I was seeing the world for the first time. Every direction had something different for me see. It was an amazing experience that before now, I didn’t know I was missing. I would definitely recommend it to all of our readers.”
Jeff’s Experience:
“I believe Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are the next big waves of innovation in consumer-grade technology within entertainment. It’s not that distant of a horizon either. The technology has been quickly catching up. I think Facebook is smart to get ahead on the arms race to VR innovation with the acquisition of Oculus Rift. It’s the new frontier in the entertainment sector to be conquered.”
Another Ole Miss student said, “It was a fully immersive in-depth experience that was both visually striking and spatially disorienting. It had me saying ‘whoa dude,’ ‘no way brah,’ ‘that asteroid looks like a chocolate dip’n dot’ and ‘what if they used this for Tinder, man’ many times to my lovely Facebook proctor.”
We’ve been transported!
Alex Kitchens is the social media editor for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at alex.kitchens@hottytoddy.com.
Jeff Hamm is an Integrated Marketing Consultant for HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at wjhamm9@gmail.com.
screenshot windows 8
May 26, 2017 at 1:49 pm
I just got the way to screenshot in windows and that is way too easy.