Monday’s Top 7 Instagram Photos by

While the Rebels may not have won the game against LSU over the weekend, fans were able to enjoy the atmosphere in Baton Rouge, and some of the local delicacies. Meanwhile in Oxford with Halloween approaching the fall weather is finally starting to roll in, perfect weather for a day out on the Square.

Had a great time in Tiger Country with these boys! Geaux Rebs! #HottyToddy

A photo posted by Errol Robinson (@errol_robinson6) on

We have arrived in Death Valley. #beatlsu #WAOM #hottytoddy

A photo posted by Ole Miss Cheer (@olemisscheer) on

Carving pumpkins and cheering on the Rebs?? #pumpkincarving #hydr #hottytoddy #beatlsu

A photo posted by Jenny Smith (@jenny_smith17) on

Sunday funday with a view! #oxfordms #thesquare #mississippi #frozendrinks

A photo posted by @ashleighculpepper_ on

Yea… #corndogs #hottytoddy

A photo posted by Chris Birdsong (@birdsongchris) on

Steven Gagliano is a writer for He can be reached at 

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