Oxford High School Student Starts Successful Jewelry Line At Age 16

Sara Caroline Bridgers is not an ordinary high school student. When Bridgers was only 16 at Oxford High School, she started her own jewelry line. A year later, her jewelry line is carried in 10 different locations.

Bridgers doesn’t consider herself a jewelry person. Ironically, she started her line by accident.

“I got a necklace from the Square for my upcoming junior year picture day, and it ended up breaking the morning of… so I had to get creative,” Bridgers said. “I had suede cord in my arts and crafts box and just had to string something up and ended up loving it. I wore it to school and all of my friends were obsessed.”

Bridgers’ inspiration for her line came from a fashion trend from the early 2000’s that was making its way back into the fashion world.

She said, “Around the time I started Jewels by SarCar the black chokers were coming back into style, and I really loved the look of that combined with a longer hanging piece with the statement stone.”

Bridgers hopes to keep seeing Jewels by SarCar grow online, but also in store fronts.

She said, “I can’t wait to see what is in store for Jewels by SarCar!”

See some of Sara Caroline’s favorite pieces of her collection below: 

Her favorite piece to wear to Ole Miss games is the royal blue wrap necklace, she loves the pop of color it adds to the neutral clothes she most commonly wears:

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Bridgeres’ favorite original piece is the white on white wrap necklace because it goes with everything and is so easy to throw on no matter the occasion:

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However, from her fall line, her favorite piece is the thick black snakeskin choker. Bridgers said, “It’s a twist of the black choker everyone loves with the gray from the snakeskin mixed in.” It also can go with just about any outfit:


Check out her collection: http://www.saracarolinebridgers.com/

Alex Kitchens is the social media editor for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at alex.kitchens@hottytoddy.com.