Cheers for Charity: Drinking for a Cause

The Mississippi Day of Giving Growler Competition will be held on Thursday, October 20 from 6 p.m. until midnight and will feature beers from local breweries each hour.

This event will benefit both the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council (YAC) and the Oxford Film Festival (OFF). To contribute, supporters only need to show up, buy a beer and have fun.

“Mississippi breweries have been kind enough to sponsor an hour,” said Wayne Andrews, YAC executive director. “When you buy a beer from one of these breweries the proceeds will go to support the charities. Breweries that will be represented are Yalobusha Brewery from Water Valley, Lucky Town from Jackson, Lazy Magnolia from Kiln, Chandeleur from Biloxi, Yuengling America’s Oldest Brewery, and Southern Prohibition from Hattiesburg.”

While enjoying a beer with the knowledge that all money raised will go to support two local nonprofits, guests will also be able to win door prizes every hour and possibly a grand prize package at the end of the event.

“It is more of a social event,” Andrews said. “Come, drink beer, play games and win door prizes all to support two charities that make an impact on our community.”

YAC and OFF both create huge cultural and economic impacts in Lafayette County. YAC supports local artists of all kinds and provides over 320 days of programming each year to the community. OFF hosts the film festival every February that brings thousands of visitors to Oxford and helps create jobs for aspiring filmmakers.

“YAC provides equipment to community events such as Abbeville Autumn Festival, organizing the annual Summer Concert Series or sponsoring events from the Film Festival, Fiber Art Festival, Fringe Festival and Sarahfest,” Andrews said. “The film festival draws visitors, filmmakers and fans to the festival, filling over 100 hotel rooms each February, employing designers for programs, renting tents, cars and buses for the transportation of the 3,000 people that attend the festival.”

These two nonprofits are closely intertwined, and both help make Oxford the place that we all know and love because their goal is to help keep Oxford unique and different.

Currently, Mississippi ranks second in the nation for charitable donations. Thirsty? Help it reach number one by heading to the Growler and drinking for a cause on Thursday, October 20.

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Amy Goodin is a writer for She can be reached at

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