Where To Get Spooked This Halloween


For some people, fall brings about the inner-decorator. Whether it’s creatively carved pumpkins on the front porch or spooky decorations on the lawn, everyone can enjoy some Halloween festivity.

But most importantly, it’s the time to get creepy and visit haunted houses and forests.

“Haunted Seekers” generally visit as many haunted houses or forests as they can in hopes of being scared out of their wits. It’s best to go in groups, or else you may find a much
a more creepy experience than anticipated.

If you consider yourself a “Haunted Seeker,” look no farther. There are several places near Oxford that will shorten your search and surely help you get your thrill on.

Hollow of Horrors, located at The Wise Family Farm in Pontotoc, Mississippi, features creepy clowns, witches and a lot of spooky sound effects that will be sure to satisfy. Hollow of Horrors is open every Friday and Saturday in October from 7:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. They will also be open on Halloween night. Admission is $10 per person, and check this out: 10 percent of all of their proceeds will be donated to the New Albany Humane Society. How cool is that?

The Haunted House and Forest, located in Hurricane near Pontotoc, also has lots of thrilling, chilling things to offer. They are open every Friday and Saturday from October 7 through November 5, and their hours are 7 p.m. until midnight. Admission is $10 per person or $8 per person for groups of eight or more. You may want to note that this will be their final year.

Haunted Trail, located in the Tupelo Buffalo Park, is another great place full of thrills. It is open every Saturday night in October from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Admission is $10 per person.

Oxford Police Department is also having their 9th annual Haunted House, which is located at 715 Molly Barr Road, next to department. They will be open October 20-22 from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Admission is $3 and all proceeds will benefit the Oxford Police Department.

So if you’re a “Haunted Seeker,” be sure and check some (if not all) of the above listed places and get your thrill on.

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Rosalind Key is a writer for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at msroskey@gmail.com.