While going through recruitment, you can’t help but have five million different thoughts running through your head all day long. Here’s a list of 42 different thoughts that may go through your head while going through recruitment.
- What will the houses look like on the inside?
Let’s be honest, we’re all wondering. Especially if you’ve never stepped foot in a sorority house ever in your life, it is something that takes you back a little bit. There are no words to describe the elegance, yet amusement found within a sorority house. - Will I see anyone I know?
If you are lucky enough to know one person that’s a part of that sorority, then you are lucky enough. Chances are you will probably see them once you get inside the house.
BUT IF YOU END UP THINKING… - Why didn’t I see my friend in there?
Don’t stress out, you just need to trust the system. However, for all you know, she may be in class. Do not fret! - Does she look better in this t-shirt than I do?
I mean yes, we are all wearing the exact same shirt that Panhellenic so graciously handed out to every girl going through rush, but sometimes other people can wear it better, right? No! Honestly, we all look the same. - What time is it?
But why won’t they let us wear watches? LET ME KNOW! Just kidding, we should be thankful they don’t let us wear watches. The timing of everything would stress us out and, we would constantly check our watches when things got awkward, therefore, be thankful you can’t wear your watch. - Will it hurt me that I have class during a round?
No, go to class, obviously, IT’S REQUIRED. - What could I possibly look like right now?
We’ve all been there before, we’ve all ran from house to house looking like a huge sweaty mess, but honestly no one notices, so don’t stress. - My feet are killing me right now!
Yes, you will realize your feet are tougher than you thought they were. Be forever grateful to the houses that let you sit when you go inside. - Where are my friends?
I know, this would be so much easier if your best friends were in your group, but use the fact that they’re not to your advantage. Branch out! Make some new friends; they may become some of your best friends. - I am starving!
Recruitment week is a long week. At the end of every night you just got to treat yourself, you’ve earned it, eat the pizza. - Is there anything in/on my teeth?
Be sure to pack a compact mirror in your little baggie, you never know when your lipstick may get messy or your snack from the Union may get caught. - Did they notice how bad I was sweating?
Honestly, they probably didn’t because they were sweating just as bad before they blotted their faces off while you lined up outside the house. - Does my breath smell?
If it tastes bad, then it probably smells bad. CARRY MINTS! - Will I make it to the next house on time?
I am not going to lie, you are going to need to book it to the next house to make roll call, but don’t worry, a million other girls have been in the same situation you’re in now, and they survived. You will too. - What if I miss my name?
Try to listen for your name, but don’t worry, if you don’t hear them the first time, they’ll come back out and say it again! - What if I have a really awkward conversation?
If you expect it to be awkward, then it will be. The conversations will flow as smoothly as you make them. Have fun with it. - I wonder what my gamma chi is?
EVERYONE tries looking their gamma chi up on Facebook, Instagram, etc. just to find out which house they belong to. Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, which house they belong to is irrelevant in your decision-making process. - Am I allowed to drink the water or other fancy drink they give me in the house?
YES, take advantage of this. You will get thirst and your mouth will dry up, drink the refreshing drinks. - Why can’t I take the drink out with me? I’M PARCHED!
Unfortunately, water or anything else you receive IN the house cannot be taken OUT of the house because Panhellenic said so. - OMG! Did I smile enough while I was in the house?
Smiling is good, but don’t be creepy. Just be you and be happy. - Did I laugh too much?
No such thing!!!!!! - Is my hair falling and/or waving?
Don’t worry about it, all of our hair is falling apart, we live in the capital of humidity! - Do I need to touch up my makeup?
Good thing you packed it in your Ziploc baggie, right??? PACK MAKEUP TO TOUCH UP! - Did I talk with my hands too much?
Who would ever notice?! Just be sure not to hit them in the face! - Did they even hear what I said? IT WAS SO LOUD.
Honestly, they might have, they might not have, but in the grand scheme of things, they were sure to hear what they needed to hear. - How much longer do I have to sit in the Student Union?
Yes, when I think back on recruitment, I will never forget the l o n g hours spent sitting in the Student Union talking to some of the most random people, but honestly, those “random people” are some of my best friends now. - OMG! Did I finish that assignment that’s due by midnight?
Don’t stress! Just be sure to stay organized and super on top of everything during this crazy week. Keep your agenda up to date and you’ll be fine. Also, you can always work on homework in the Student Union during your breaks! - I’M LOSING MY VOICE!!!! What do I do?
Honestly, it really is the WORST when you start to lose your voice during your most talkative week of your life! Editors tip: hot tea (preferably with some kind of lemon flavoring) and HONEY! This little tip will make the world’s difference during your crazy week. - What do I do with my jacket?
It gets kind of chilly during Ole Miss’s recruitment week, especially since it is in October! Just throw your jacket out on the lawn with your Ziploc baggie and it will be fine. Trust me, no one is out scrounging around for your jacket. Also, Panhellenic always has people outside the houses on the lookout. - Did I remember my student ID?
I hope so! Honestly, I used to have to put a sticky note on my dorm room door to remind me to grab my student ID, because I will never forget the night I left mine there. I made it all the way back to my dorm to realize that I did not have my phone (obviously), did not have my student ID to get in my room, and my roommate still was not back from her rounds. Don’t do this to yourself, REMEMBER your student ID! - Subconsciously singing the songs your heard in the houses
Don’t worry, once you go into the next house, you’ll forget the song from the last house, but I mean they are pretty catchy, no one can blame you for not being able to get them out of your head. Honestly, that is the point of the songs to begin with. - OMG! Where is my Ziploc bag?
Don’t stress! IT IS ON THE LAWN. Just step back, take another look and ask your gamma chi to help you find it. I promise, it is all going to be okay. - I cannot wait to go call my mom/aunt/grandma/sister/whoever!
Everyone has their person they go call immediately once they get back to the dorms. For me it was my older sister and my mom. We would have a three-way conference call and I would just sit there and tell them about my day. Honestly, it is really beneficial to have these “go-to” people to call during this stressful week. They will keep you sane and in check with reality. - What do they mean when they say to “maximize my options?”
EVERYONE is telling you to MAXIMIZE your options when you go to vote on the houses, but what does this really mean? Well, when they say to maximize your options, they mean that when you go in to vote on which houses you would like to go back to, always go back to as many houses that are available to you. This strategy will make your week 100x better; just remember to trust the system. - Why do they keep screaming at me not to talk?
While waiting in line to vote on the houses, the gamma chis mean business when they tell everyone not to talk. Yes, it seems kind of dramatic while they are screaming, but in the end, it’s to benefit you. They just don’t want anyone else to sway your opinions for no good reason. Therefore, when it’s late at night and they are screaming at you to not talk, just listen to them and be respectful. Also, it will make the line go by so much faster! - How l o n g is this line?
The line to vote on the houses feels like 10 miles long, but honestly, all I have to say about that is that it’s just part of the experience of going through recruitment at Ole Miss. Just take it in, because you only experience it once on this side of it all. - OMG! Did I fill out my voter’s card right?!
PAY ATTENTION to the gamma chi’s when they tell you what to do BEFORE you go in to vote. I know you’re tired, but you just have to pay attention, otherwise, you’ll be sitting in the room staring at the card HOPING you don’t mess things up for yourself. NO ONE wants to do that, so just pay attention and don’t be scared to ask questions. - Will I really KNOW which house is for me during Pref?
Everyone always says, “When you know, you know.” I am not going to lie, they are right. When you’re sitting in whatever house during Pref, just look around and think about whether or not you could sit down with these girls during meals and feel comfortable and enjoy yourself. If not, then it’s probably not the place for you, but if yes, then go with your gut. TRUST THE SYSTEM. - What do I say to the “other” house?
If you’ve maximized your options and you’re down to your last two houses, you’re probably wondering, “What do I say to the other WONDERFUL house that is not for me?” Honestly, just tell them that you’re torn and you have been all week, because most likely, you HAVE been torn between these two houses throughout the week. Be respectful. These girls know what it means when you say you’re “torn.” Remember, we went through recruitment too! - WOW, some of these girls could be my future sisters!
That’s part of the fun of recruitment. When you’re at you last houses and the groups are smaller, you have the potential of meeting one of your future sisters. It is such a weird feeling but in all of the right ways. Take it in, because these moments happen fast. - RELIEF, thoughts of happiness while opening your bid day card!
There are not many feelings like the feeling of relief when you finally get to open your bid day card after one of the longest, most stressful, and emotional weeks of your life. Enjoy this moment and feeling and take it in before you sprint down to your new home! - OMG! DON’T TRIP DON’T TRIP DON’T TRIP!!!!
The whole way running home to my new “home away from home” these exact words ran through my head. As long as you keep one foot in front of the other, you should be good, just be careful, but most importantly HAVE FUN!
Chandler Tilman is a social media intern for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at cgtillma@go.olemiss.edu.
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