Ole Miss Former Athletes: Where Are They Now? Featuring Jeff Noblin

jeff-noblin-1Jeff Noblin is a former Ole Miss football player who carried his knowledge of athletics into his career as an orthopedic surgeon.

Noblin started his college football career in Minnesota but found his way home to his native Mississippi in 1983 to play free safety for Coach Billy Brewer. Noblin was following behind his uncle, James Harvey, who had also played at Ole Miss before signing to the Oakland Raiders for six seasons.

When Noblin was not on the field, he was working hard in the classroom and earned a degree in history with minors in biology and chemistry.

After graduating from Ole Miss in 1987, Noblin was signed to the Cowboys but was cut before his first season. He took that opportunity to attend the University of Mississippi Medical School in his hometown of Jackson, Mississippi.

“I was cut about three weeks before medical school started,” Noblin said. “It was clear to me that the football part of my professional life was over. On the ride back from camp, all of the other guys were sad, but I was the happiest person to ever be cut by the NFL.”

After medical school, Noblin studied orthopedic surgery and then began his medical career with the Kansas City Chiefs in 1997. One year later, Noblin relocated to Ocean Springs, Mississippi, where he worked as a surgeon while continuing to travel to Kansas City to practice sports medicine with the Chiefs for ten more years.

Currently, Noblin resides in Ocean Springs with his wife Sallie, whom he met during his time at Ole Miss, and their youngest of four children, who is still in high school.

The Noblin family.
The Noblin family. Sam (BA ’14), Sallie (BA Ed ’87), Jeff (BA ’87), Blake, Ashley (BA ’16), James.

Noblin’s specialty is arthroscopic shoulder and knee reconstruction and, although he sees all types of patients, he still focuses on sports medicine by working with high school and junior college teams.

noblin_headshot_bigThough many years have passed since Noblin wore the Rebel football jersey, he carries with him the memories of being with his teammates and some of their best moments on the field together.

“We had a great group of guys,” Noblin said. “We’re still really close. When we’re there for game days we communicate and meet up and have dinner. My favorite memories on the field are beating LSU in the last ten seconds in Tiger Stadium because of a missed field goal, winning the Independence Bowl, and winning our bowl game.”

Noblin’s advice to current Ole Miss athletes is to stay connected to Ole Miss and to value education.

“Stay involved in the university,” Noblin said. “Learn as much through education as you can, as quickly as you can. It will take you a lot further.”

Amy Goodin is a writer for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at argoodin12@gmail.com.

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