Monday’s Top 7 Instagram Photos By

For the fourth weekend in a row, Rebels went all out at the Holy Grail of Tailgating, the Grove. And of course, the 48-28 final score versus Memphis made it all worthwhile. These Rebel fans captured some of the glorious moments from this past weekend on Instagram. Check it out:

So proud to be an alum of the Pride of the South Band #HottyToddy

A photo posted by Kaitlyn Wenrich (@kawenrich) on

Back at it….. #olemiss #oxford #oxfordms #lyceum #rebels #hottytoddy #hydr

A photo posted by Justin Janaskie (@justinjanaskie) on

@olemiss 48, Memphis 28. #hottytoddy @olemissfb

A photo posted by Steven Mullen (@stevenmullen) on

Football ? Saturday. #lategram #hottytoddy #olemiss #finsup #raisingemright

A photo posted by Ann Thomas (@annthomas62) on

Randall Haley is the managing editor of She can be reached at

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