Runoffs Elect Homecoming Queen, Miss Ole Miss

Santos and Phillips
Pictured left is Acacia Santos 2016 Miss Ole Miss and pictured right is MK Phillips is the 2016 Homecoming Queen. (Photos courtesy Acacia Santos and MK Phillips)

Two tight runoffs took place Thursday at the University of Mississippi. Up for grabs was Homecoming Queen and Miss Ole Miss.

MK Phillips won the 2016 Homecoming Queen election by 54 percent. Caroline Burke was the runner-up.

By the same margin, Acacia Santos won the 2016 Miss Ole Miss contest. Bess Nichols was the runner-up.

MK Phillips
MK Phillips with her sorority sisters following the announcement.

Supporters worked hard campaigning around campus encouraging students to vote.

Mr Ole Miss - Miss Ole Miss
Mr. Ole Miss Cole Putman congratulates Miss Ole Miss Acacia Santos. (Photo by Deandria Turner)

Congratulations to these beautiful ladies.

by Deandria Turner, intern. She may be reached at dtturne

Russ Jones, Editor-In-Chief. He may be reached at

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