Trump Chair for Lafayette County Addresses Republican Women

Steve Vassallo
Steve Vassallo, Co-Chair of Donald J. Trump for President, Lafayette County and Ole Miss alum addresses the Mississippi Federation of Republican Women at
the Oxford University Club. (Photo by Russ Jones)

OXFORD, Miss – The Mississippi Federation of Republican Women met at the Oxford University Club Wednesday.

State President Dana Stringer of Brandon, Mississippi and Steve Vassallo, Lafayette County Chair of the Donald Trump for President campaign, were featured guests.

“Mississippi is going to go for Trump,” said Vassallo. “And we’re going to carry Lafayette County. I can promise you that and I don’t
make many promises.”

Vassallo announced that volunteers will have the opportunity to travel to the key battleground state of Ohio in October to campaign for Donald Trump.

Federation of Republican Women
The Federation of Republican Women gather at the University Club for its monthly meeting. (Photo by Russ Jones)

Details about a bus trip to Ohio are forthcoming.

Sue Morrison, current President of the Union County Republican Women’s Club, and one of Mississippi’s delegates to the Republican
National Convention, said, while candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may not be ideal for some, its critical Mississippians exercise
the privilege of voting.

“Our candidates for this year’s election have been selected,” said Morrison. “We have a Republican and a Democrat. It is very unlikely
there will be another candidate who will come from afar to be a candidate.”

The Lafayette County Democratic Executive Committee invites local Democrats for drinks on the square August 18, 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Locations will rotate on the third Thursday of each month.

Russ Jones is the Editor-In-Chief for He can be reached at