It is critical to understand this and who gets your votes at all levels next time!
“Pro-Education” candidate:
· CHARTERS – Voted for taking public tax dollars from public schools and giving them to non-profit charter schools owned by for-profit companies.
· CHOICE – Voted for allowing students to leave a high-minority public school and take their tax dollars to a school in another district that might “suit” them better.
· REJECTION: Voted for charter schools to have the right to refuse admission because of race, creed, color, national origin, religion or disabilities (rejected my amendment to prohibit this discrimination).
· LOTTERY: Voted for allowing tax dollars to go to charter schools that have selective admission and waiting lists.
· SPECIAL: Voted to exempt charter teachers from requirements of public school teachers.
· OLD HABIT / NEW WORDS: Supports school segregation with new, pretty names like “Choice” and “Vouchers”.
· SPECIAL INTERESTS: Takes $$ and praise from Empower MS and ALEC.
· ANTI-CONSTITUENT: Spoke against Initiative 42, voted for 42A, and then did exactly what they promised they would not do.
“Pro-PUBLIC Education” candidate:
· ALL: Supports all public schools, with no exceptions.
· ALL: Supports children going to schools where their parents live and pay school taxes.
· ALL: Supports public schools that accept and educate every single child, with no waiting list, regardless race, creed, color, national origin, religious beliefs, or disabilities.
Ask the hard questions! Make sure your neighbors and friends understand the difference. I am, unapologetically, Pro-PUBLIC schools!
Oxford lawyer Jay Hughes serves the 12th District in the Mississippi House of Representatives. He can be contacted at jayfordistrict12@gmail.com.
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