Monday’s Top 7 Instagram Photos by

Ole Miss students have 20 days until the fall semester begins at the University of Mississippi, and the Ole Miss football fans have 41 days until the first kickoff.

In the meanwhile, the Ole Miss family and fandom are excelling this summer as Raven Saunders prepares for the Olympics, Ole Miss alum represent the university nationwide and a precious girl dons Harvard Red and Yale Blue – all in one festive Hotty Toddy summer!


Representing #OleMiss at #Sizzler16 #UPshow! @olemissalumniassociation

A photo posted by Annie Rhoades (@annierhoades) on

He's all jokes off the field but his landshark defense SPEAKS for itself #LF16 #finsup #hottytoddy

A photo posted by Kristen Yawn (@kjoe15) on

My shopping buddy #alwaysreadytopose #hottytoddy #olemiss #prettygirl #mamasbaby #shopping #diva #sassy

A photo posted by Arianna and kristen (@ariannaizabellamodeling_) on

Lunching in the South endzone. Cannot wait for fall! #ladiesfootballforum #hottytoddy #olemiss #isitfootballseasonyet

A photo posted by Bryn Mahan (@brynkerrigan) on

Callie Daniels Bryant is the senior managing editor at She can be reached at

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