Pokemon Go App Encourages People to Explore Oxford

Pokemon Go is an app for smart phones that encourages people to go outside and explore.
Pokemon Go is an app for smart phones that encourages people to go outside and explore.

With people walking into moving traffic, bumping into buildings and exploring unknown parts of town, Pokémon Go has taken over Oxford.

The new iPhone app released last week is an updated version of Nintendo’s Pokemon that was widely beloved in the 90s. However, this app forces the game players to get up and walk around the town to find and catch a Pokémon, earning points in return.

Players on Pokemon Go can become gym leaders that other Oxford players can visit to challenge in a battle.
Players on Pokemon Go can become gym leaders that other Oxford players can visit to challenge in a battle.

Oxford resident Torey Rueschinoff said, “This game is a complete blast from the past and honestly, it forces me to get out of the house.”

From all day or all night, there is no bad time to hunt for Pokémon. The app uses Google maps to strategically place Pokémon all over Oxford, comparable to a grown-up Easter egg hunt.

Students have been all over the university campus, Lamar Park and have even taken to trying to catch Pokémon at night while on the Square and at the bars with their friends.

“Pokémon Go easily surpassed Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as the most used app literally overnight,” Rueschinoff said.

Pokemon Go utilizes various locations such as First Wesley Independent Methodist Church in Oxford.
Pokemon Go utilizes various locations such as First Wesley Independent Methodist Church in Oxford.

As one of the biggest overnight app successes and enjoyed by all ages, this app has proved it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

University of Mississippi student Jeff Capwell said, “I have friends right now studying abroad who are playing it all over Europe. It’s not just taken over Oxford, it’s everywhere.”

Oxford residents; watch out for pedestrians standing in the street, cars driving in odd patterns, or people headed to the St. Peter’s Cemetery at night where special PokeStops are because they “gotta catch ‘em all!”

Shelby Warner is enrolled in Meek School of Journalism and New Media. She can be reached at slwarner@go.olemiss.edu.

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