Oxford Crime Report: Friday – Sunday, July 8 – 10: Dumpster Fire, Burglary


Oxford police responded to the following incidents 14 suspicious activities, 13 alarms, nine disturbances, five welfare concerns, four 911 hang-up calls three fire department assists, three careless drivers, three simple assaults, two animal complaints, two malicious mischief, two complaints of fireworks, two civil matters, harassing phone calls, a lost property, an ambulance assist, a petit larceny, an illegally-parked car, a recovered property, a littering, a stalking, a uttering forgery, an attempted burglary at Highland Square and a peeping tom at South 18th Street.

Oxford police investigated 16 wrecks, issued 53 traffic citations and made seven arrests on the following charges:
(2) Public intoxication
Careless driving and no insurance
Speeding, no driver’s license and DUI
No tag and possession of drug paraphernalia
Following too closely, suspended driver’s license and DUI
Wrong way on a one-way, no driver’s license, no insurance and possession of Schedule II narcotics

Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department responded to the following incidents: 10 disturbances, nine alarms, seven suspicious activities, five civil matters, five service calls, three accidents, three animal complaints, three petit larcenies, a domestic violence, a harassment, a malicious mischief, a welfare concern, a scam, a traffic complaint, a recovered stolen property, a follow-up, a fire department assist, and a residential burglary on Highway 6 East.

Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department made two arrests on the following charges:
Reckless driving and an out-of-town warrant
Sale of a controlled substance and a warrant

University police responded to the following incidents:
Friday, July 8
(8) Vehicle stops
Speeding with a suspended driver’s license on Intramural Field Road
Running a stop sign on Grove Loop
Saturday, July 9
(6) Vehicle stops
(3) Speedings on Intramural Field Road
Suspicious vehicle at Pittman Hall
Sunday, July 10
(5) Vehicle stops
(2) Speedings on Intramural Field Road
(2) Suspicious vehicles at the Marijuana Project and Super Computer Center
Report of a suspicious person at Super Computer Center

Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls:
Friday, July 8
Dumpster fire at 11:07 a.m. that the workers put out upon arrival at 911 East Jackson Avenue
Smoke detector malfunction at 12:26 p.m. at Alpha Omicron Pi house
Smell of gas reported at 4:08 p.m. in 403 South Lamar area but nothing was found
Fire alarm malfunction at 7:31 p.m. at East Side Rebel Club
Saturday, July 9
Fire alarm pull station prank at 1:58 a.m. on three floors at 229 Town Center Drive
Smoke detector malfunction at 8:15 a.m. at Alpha Omicron Pi house
Smoke detector malfunction at 2:17 p.m. at Hickman, Goza & Spragins Law firm
Wreck with entrapment at 2:32 p.m. where the firemen used spreaders and cutters to extricate the driver at 408 Highway 6 West
Smoke detector malfunction at 2:53 p.m. at Hickman, Goza & Spragins Law Firm
Sunday, July 10
Smoke detector malfunction at 4:42 a.m. at University Student Health Center
Smoke detector malfunction at 8:38 a.m. in the library at Rowan Oak
Smoke detector malfunction at 3:30 p.m. at Hickman, Goza & Spragins Law Firm
Smoke detector malfunction at 3:46 p.m. at University Student Health Center

All lists and reports on Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.

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