Oxford Crime Report: Friday – Sunday, May 13 – 15


Oxford police responded to the following incidents: 16 suspicious activities, 13 disturbances, eight alarms, seven malicious mischief, seven noise complaints, six complaints of lost property, six reported careless drivers, four welfare concerns, three illegally parked cars, two ambulance assists, two reported public intoxicants, two shoplifting, two animal complaints, two burglaries on North Lamar and Jefferson, a scam, a code violation, a fire department assist, a trespassing and a motorist assist.

Oxford police investigated 12 wrecks, issued 144 traffic citations and made 26 arrests on the following charges:
(6) Public intoxication
(2) DUI (Wreck)
(2) Careless Driving and DUI
(2) Speeding and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
(2) Careless Driving and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
(2) Speeding, No Insurance and Suspended Driver’s License
Speeding and Failure to Comply
No Taillights, Fake ID and DUI
One Headlight, No Insurance and DUI
No Tag and Suspended Driver’s License
Fake ID and False Identifying Information
Public Intoxication and Disorderly Conduct
Speeding, No Driver’s License and No Insurance
One Headlight and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Running a Red Light and Suspended Driver’s License
Speeding, Suspended Driver’s License and No Insurance
Reckless Driving, No Driver’s License and No Seatbelt

University police responded to the following incidents:
Friday, May 13
(7) Vehicle stops
Speeding on Intramural Field Road
Vehicle accident at Crosby Hall
Saturday, May 14
(2) Vehicle stops
(4) Traffic assists
Petit larceny at Oxford-University Stadium
Vehicle accident at the Inn at Ole Miss
Sunday, May 15
(2) Vehicle stops
Intoxicated person at Martin Hall
Careless driving with possession of drug paraphernalia on Rebel Drive
Possession of drug paraphernalia and alcohol by minor at Campus Walk Apartments
Possession of marijuana with intent and being a public drunk at Campus Walk Apartments

Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls:
Friday, May 13
Smoke detector activation at 8:17 a.m. caused by steam from fryer at Captain D’s
Smoke detector activation at 11:56 a.m. caused by burned food at Kappa Alpha house
Report of a three-car wreck with entrapment at 12:18 p.m. on Johnson Avenue and South Lamar – it was actually two cars and no entrapment
Saturday, May 14
Fire at 4:59 p.m. at 125 Victory Hill lane – the resident had placed hot ashes from a grill in an aluminum pan and placed it on the deck where the fire burned a hole in the flooring, a part of the guard rail and melted the vinyl siding. It was out upon arrival.
Smoke detector malfunction at 7:53 p.m. at 120 Peyton Circle
Sunday, May 15
Unauthorized burning in the yard at 7:39 p.m. at 504 Shiloh Drive

All lists and reports in Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.

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