Ignite Ole Miss: UM Compost Campaign Update


Dear UM Family and Friends,

Thank you all for your vital contributions to the UM Compost Program! As of today, we have seven days remaining and $250 left to raise until the conclusion of our fundraising campaign. Please help us meet our goal by visiting ignite.olemiss.edu/umcompost to donate today! Your donations will specifically be used to fund one student composting intern for an academic year.

The UM Compost Team has been dear to me through my entire college career, and the idea of funding another student intern to learn the ropes to take over as I graduate in a few weeks is bittersweet— but mostly pretty sweet, like a 5-gallon bucket of honeydew from the Rebel Market, one might say!

Well, I’m grabbing my boots and heading to the compost piles now, but I can’t wait to check in with you all when our campaign comes to a close! Whether you’re a Grassroots Supporter, a Food Waste Warrior or an Honorary Compost Team Member, your generous donation is extremely appreciated!

Again, THANK YOU so much! I hope you each have an excellent day!


Victoria Burgos
Compost Program Founder
Senior, Recreation Administration

P.S. In addition to your donation, you can help support our campaign by becoming a digital ambassador and sharing the UM Compost Campaign via e-mail and social media. Please tag your posts with #UMcompost to spread the word about our program and the work that we’re doing to help make Ole Miss green!

For questions or comments, email us at hottytoddynews@gmail.com.

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