‘Keep Oxford Odd’ – Crowd Sourced Entertainment Guide Launches

Keep Oxford Odd

Oxford residents recognize the positives and negatives of being one of Mississippi’s fastest growing communities. The influx of residents and businesses bolster our local economy while trying to maintain the small town qualities that make Oxford unique.

Local and guests may now be able to get endless varieties of wings, but it takes a local touch for a business to help create something like Thacker Mountain Radio Hour.

Striving to keep Oxford the same community that made it an attractive destination, several locals have created an effort to inspire residents to share their passions for what makes the community distinctive with the Keep Oxford Odd campaign.

Keep Oxford Odd is a crowd sourced online guide that allows a sharing of those things that preserve Oxford’s character. Members share the food, culture and special events that extol our community’s unique characteristics.

keep oxford odd_logoOther communities have celebrated their identity with catch phrases such as, “Keep Austin Weird” and/or “Keep Cleveland Boring.” This effort strives to use a phrase that captures the sense of concern for the possible changes on the horizon and connect it to social media, creating a community that brings people closer together by learning more about each other’s passions and unique talents.

Generating buzz through social media, Keep Oxford Odd maintains a 24-hour online presence while supporting the ever-changing Oxford scene. The concept gives the community an outlet to share, discover and celebrate what makes Oxford special.

The creators have established an Instagram feed and Facebook page that allows Oxonians to share their authentic and genuine Oxford experiences.

“A community is a place that shares, and we hope that Keep Oxford Odd will create a sense of sharing between those who lived here all their life, those who moved here 10 years ago and even those who have recently arrived. The best way to preserve Oxford’s character is to make it personal,” Stephanie Weiss, co-creator of Keep Oxford Odd said.

According to Keep Oxford Odd’s Facebook “about” page: it’s “A crowd source entertainment guide where we welcome you to ‘Keep Oxford Odd’ to keep the charm of the community alive. Keep it real, keep it oddsford.

For those who would like to discover what others think is special about Oxford, join the Keeping Oxford Odd Facebook page or Instagram feed: Instagram.com/keepoxfordodd/

For more information, contact Stephanie Weiss by email at Keepoxfordodd@gmail.com.

Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for Hottytoddy.com. He can be reached at jeff.mcvay@hottytoddy.com

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