On the evening of April 21, the Epsilon Zeta chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta hosted its third annual philanthropy event Cupcakes for CASA. At this event, anyone from University of Mississippi or Oxford can come to the Kappa Alpha Theta house on campus and purchase a cupcake. All proceeds go to their national philanthropy, Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA.
“Here we are raising money to go to our local CASA branch, so we have our members sell tickets to their friends, and we open up our house for a fun event with everyone who has purchased a cupcake,” said Katie Vernon, Theta’s philanthropy chair.
CASA is an organization in which volunteers from all over the country are assigned to a child who is going through the court process because they come from an abusive or negligent home and need a safe and permanent place to live. This is a special year for Theta because it marks 25 years of being partnered with CASA as a national philanthropy.
Kappa Alpha Theta’s chapter president, Meghan Grenda, said, “Cupcakes for CASA was started a few years ago to benefit Theta’s national philanthropy, Court Appointed Special Advocates. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court. On average it costs a $1,000 to provide a child with a CASA. Fundraisers like this are so important because they provide the funding to train advocates.”
Cupcakes for CASA has been a successful event every year since it began, raising thousands of dollars for this philanthropy. The cupcakes come from Kelli’s Cakes and Confections in Oxford, and the members say that eating the leftovers is one of their favorite parts of the event. It has grown each year, and planning for next year is already underway.
Vernon said, “Our goal for next year is to change Cupcakes for CASA and make it a bigger event that gets all of the sororities and fraternities involved. To go along with the bake sale, we are thinking about having a field day with old school games like three legged races, tug-of-war, and egg races, which will be pretty different.”
All of the members of Kappa Alpha Theta stand outside of their house dancing to music and welcoming everyone in to pick out their cupcakes. It is an exciting event for all of them to be a part of, and they make sure to have a great time while also raising money for CASA.
Kappa Alpha Theta member, Margaret Eshleman, said, “My favorite part is definitely getting to see everyone all together because the semester is ending and we are all busy, but it is something we all get excited about and have a lot of fun doing with each other.”
The next annual Cupcakes for CASA is planned for April of 2017, and the members of Kappa Alpha Theta hope to see everyone there.
Allie Kmec is a HottyToddy.com intern. She can be reached at arkmec7@gmail.com.
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