This October, DiscordiaCultureShop.com will be bringing the first ever Comic and Toy Show to Oxford via YAC and the Powerhouse Community Arts Center.
The show is set for October 29 and word is already spreading throughout the community that this will be a “can’t miss” event.
Obviously, October is several months away – six, actually – so what’s the rush?
Well, the rush is for pertinent vendors to get on board ASAP if they want to participate in the event – the first of its kind in our community.
Photo by Jeff McVay
According to DiscordiaCultureShop.com’s operation manager Gavriel Discordia, “We need exhibitors of all kinds: artists, makers, crafters, authors, Zine makers, street artists… anyone.”
“We also need all manner of collectible dealers – professional and amateur – with toys, lunchboxes, vinyl records, art book dealers or anything awesome,” Discordia added. “We have only one large vendor space available but anyone can get an artist table – of which, there around 20 spaces left.”
More information about the upcoming show can be obtained by emailing discordiacultureshop@gmail.com or by visiting ComicandToyShow.com.
For more information about Discordia Culture Shop, visit its Facebook page at Facebook.com/DiscordiaCultureShop.
Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for Hottytoddy.com. He can be reached at jeff.mcvay@hottytoddy.com.
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