Mitchell: Mississippians Will Suffer From Legislative Hissy Fit
How much courage does it take to do nothing? Seriously.
After Gov. Phil Bryant signed the Religious Liberty Accommodations Act last week, House Speaker Philip Gunn began his statement praising the governor’s “courage.” As he continued, Gunn begged people to read the act and see for themselves that it doesn’t do anything.
He’s right. The act says people won’t be punished if they break state laws that don’t exist. Wow. That’s a relief.
Otherwise, the act doesn’t fix the problem of public employees or private businesses invoking their deeply held personal religious to decline to provide services to, well, those they condemn as sinners.
Why? Because that’s not a problem.
Yes, there was a merchant in the Jackson area who put up a “No Muslims” sign several months ago. But there hasn’t been an epidemic of gay people forcing their money into the pockets of people who don’t want it.
And even if there were such an epidemic, it’s 100 percent clear any resulting litigation would be in federal court. “We would caution government officials and others that House Bill 1523 does not override federal law or constitutional rights,” said Attorney General Jim Hood. “If a person or government official violates a federal statute or constitutional provision, House Bill 1523 will not protect that official from a federal lawsuit or from potential personal liability under federal law.”
What the legislation does— and what it was meant to do — is put Mississippi on record as disagreeing with the one-vote majority in Obergefell vs. Hodges, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court last year. In simplest terms, the Equal Protection Clause says governments can’t impose different laws on different people unless there’s a public interest to be protected. Five members of the court failed to discern why same-gender couples shouldn’t have the same legal standing as mixed-gender couples.
It was a very narrow decision. It had nothing to do with religion, and it certainly didn’t tell churches, bakers or cabinet-makers they had to change a smidge.
Yet lawmakers in Mississippi felt compelled to have a hissy fit, similar to the 2014 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which ordered that “In God We Trust” be added to the state’s official seal.
In total, 102 or Mississippi’s 154 lawmakers and the governor affirmed their belief that it is OK to single out people for different treatment if, in the view of others, they are sinners.
Even if the act is, in practical terms, pointless, it brought an immediate national lightning strike of condemnation and ridicule. That’s because it is hurtful — very hurtful — to each and every Mississippian and to the state’s future.
As has been well documented, employer organizations and employers — ranging from the highly conservative Mississippi Manufacturing Association to multinationals such as Nissan and Toyota — don’t support any discrimination of any type.
The greater harm is expressed silently. What’s beyond measure is a company that discretely strikes Mississippi from its expansion list. There will be no record when a top-notch math teacher in Kentucky or Texas or Michigan scans past any opening in Mississippi while looking for her first job. There will be no tally of high school, college, medical school graduates who no longer consider Mississippi a place they wish to remain. (Bryant pleads with young people to stay in Mississippi, but many solid young Christians believe shunning is a sad relic of centuries past — and will have no part of it.)
Hypocrisy has never been a popular trait, and this state — deeply dependent on dollars from other American taxpayers — insists again know better. We are wiser, more prudent and insightful, you know. We honor religion while others don’t.
By what standard?
Arguing the point from a biblical perspective is best done by someone else, but here’s a question: When Jesus was inviting all those people to a dinner of loaves and fishes, did he position Peter and Bartholomew to work the buffet line? Did he tell them to refuse service to Romans or Pharisees or anyone else they deemed unworthy?
Just asking.
Is turning people away the Christian approach to anything?
The reporter questioning Speaker Gunn asked if he thought the Religious Liberty Accommodations Act would hurt commerce. Gunn replied that he “certainly hopes it doesn’t.”
Well, he has his answer loud and clear from what he would consider good and decent people all across America.
No higher moral ground has been staked out by our leaders.
Instead they have erected a sign for all to see: “Mississippi: Where leaders have the courage to do nothing, and are proud of it.”
Charlie Mitchell is a Mississippi journalist. Write to him at cmitchell43@yahoo.com.
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April 12, 2016 at 12:54 pm
Welcome to Mississippi. Set your clocks back 200 years.
April 12, 2016 at 5:23 pm
Thank you. Please continue enlightening Mississippi, for clearly our governor is out of touch.
April 12, 2016 at 5:42 pm
perhaps mitchell can get a job at another university in a state that state govt is more inline with his leftist views
why do people stay in an area where they are so clearly unhappy? don’t let the door hit ya in the —charlie
April 12, 2016 at 5:50 pm
why have been homos been elevated to such an exalted status that they can not be asked to accomodate those that disagree with their deviant activites?
Is it really such a problem to find a bakery that will sell them a cake? If a store did not want my business I would just move along to someone who did.
but somewhere along the lines, homos have been allowed to dictate how the whole world should think, and the leftists are endorsing that….live and let live, and buy your cake down the street
April 12, 2016 at 6:11 pm
Who do liberals want people to have the right to choose about aborting a child, but not the choice to provide good and services?
Maybe our priorities are out of line.
John Stewart
April 13, 2016 at 8:13 am
Mississippi. Last in everything good and first in everything bad.
It sometimes seems that the majority of people in our state actual like this idea. Keep voting for these people…
April 13, 2016 at 8:41 am
john stewart
if you don’t like it, I am glad to help you with a bus ticket
Burns Strider
April 13, 2016 at 9:40 am
Thank you, Charlie. Well said. Important.
April 13, 2016 at 1:06 pm
Hey Burns, I will help you with a bus ticket too.
April 13, 2016 at 3:10 pm
Buy my house or at least find another bigot like yourself to do so and pay for the mover. I can afford a first class airline ticket and am planning to take my wife and myself out of this cesspool of ignorance and hate, We will be taking our two 6 figure jobs with us when we leave. Kiss those taxes goodbye.
April 14, 2016 at 9:19 am
am with Kenny…..get the he..out
April 14, 2016 at 9:40 am
let’s assume for a moment that you are telling the truth about you and your wife’s job status and are planning on leaving
so you are leaving two good jobs, which are to find in this economy, and a low tax, low cost of living state all because a homosexual might have to shop around a little bit for a cake?
if that is the case, yall are too stupid to have those jobs anyway
hope you leave quickly, I will get my resume in order