Vote for Oxford in USA Today’s Best Small College Town, Best Small Historic Town

The building of Visit Oxford, by Jim Hendrix
The building of Visit Oxford, by Jim Hendrix

Oxford, Mississippi is now in the running for national recognition from USA Today in two categories: Best Small College Town and Best Small Historic Town.

Director of Visit Oxford, Mary Allyn Hedges, said, “We are currently in last in the Best Historic Small Town poll and in tenth for Best Small College Town, but we have plenty of time to turn that around as the polls don’t close until April 25. Remember to vote daily and let’s win this one!”

In the lead for Best Small College Town is Athens, Ohio. Also in the lead for Best Small Historic Town is Thomasville, Georgia.

Here is the link for Best Small College Town:

Here is the link for Best Small Historic Town:

Happy voting, y’all!

Callie Daniels Bryant is the senior managing editor for She can be reached at

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