2016 Double Decker Arts Festival Art Vendor Previews: Take 5

The 2016 Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar will be held on April 22-23 on the Oxford Square. Photo courtesy of Swamp Dag and Friends/Booth 176
The 2016 Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar will be held on April 22-23 on the Oxford Square.
Photo courtesy of Swamp Dag and Friends/Booth 176

HottyToddy.com continues its Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar’s art vendor preview by unleashing our amazing interns and letting them run with another grouping.

Double Decker logo_STROKEDThanks and job well done to our up-and-coming journalists Kelley Dwyer, Alexandra Seay and Cambria Abdeen who worked tirelessly to round up these artists’ images.

Below, you’ll find 21 art vendors whose genres range from photography, water color and oil paintings, woodcrafts, jewelry, ceramics and even deer antler art, among others.

Hopefully this list, along with the other four HottyToddy.com has published over the last two weeks will help you map out a shopping game plan on April 23 on the Oxford Square:

Drifting Antler LLC/Booths 162-163
Drifting Antler LLC/Booths 162-163
Katie Toombs/Booth 161
Katie Toombs/Booth 161
Linda Theobald ARt/Booth 160
Linda Theobald ARt/Booth 160
Meredith Piper Art/Booth 159
Meredith Piper Art/Booth 159
John Ds Wood Things/Booth 158
John Ds Wood Things/Booth 158
Ellen Langford/Booth 157
Ellen Langford/Booth 157
Richard Jacobus/Booth 156
Richard Jacobus/Booth 156
Laura Husni Jewelry/Booth 153
Laura Husni Jewelry/Booth 153
Woodturning by Sammy Long/Booth 94
Woodturning by Sammy Long/Booth 94
Imagine Brazil/Booth 93
Imagine Brazil/Booth 93
happy notes by greer/Booth 90
happy notes by greer/Booth 90
Lorrie Drennan/Booth 89
Lorrie Drennan/Booth 89
Treenware and Pottery/Booths 87-88
Treenware and Pottery/Booths 87-88
Carter Driftwood Creations/Booths 83-84
Carter Driftwood Creations/Booths 83-84
Joseph Eckles Stoneware/Booth 81-82
Joseph Eckles Stoneware/Booth 81-82
Greg Harkins Chairs/Booth 80
Greg Harkins Chairs/Booth 80
Eden Flora Art/Booth 77
Eden Flora Art/Booth 77
Bella Vita Jewelry/Booth 76
Bella Vita Jewelry/Booth 76
Blackjack Wax Co/Booth 179
Blackjack Wax Co/Booth 179
Swamp Dog and Friends/Booth 176
Swamp Dog and Friends/Booth 176
Deb Minkin Art/Booth 177
Deb Minkin Art/Booth 177

Kelley Dwyer is an intern at Hotty Toddy.com. She is currently a student in the Meek School of Journalism and New Media and can be reached at kmdwyer@go.olemiss.edu.

Alexandra Seay is an intern at Hotty Toddy.com. She is currently a student in the Meek School of Journalism and New Media and can be reached at alseay@go.olemiss.edu.

Cambria Abdeen is an intern at Hotty Toddy.com. She is currently a student in the Meek School of Journalism and New Media and can be reached at cambria.abdeen@yahoo.com.

Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for Hottytoddy.com. He can be reached at jeff.mcvay@hottytoddy.com.

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