49 Ole Miss Students to Travel to Haiti for Spring Break
A group of 49 Ole Miss students are spending their spring break in Haiti as part of a mission trip with a new campus organization called Ole Missions.
The group will be in Haiti from March 12 through March 19, and travel to the Mission of Hope compound, which is 30 minutes northwest of Port-Au-Prince near the city Titanyen. According to the trip organizer, John Pierce, the students will go out to local villages and work alongside the Haitian people.
“The group leading the trip is a new campus organization called Ole Missions, which seeks to link students to global humanitarian opportunities,” Pierce said. “We hope that through Ole Missions students will come to the realization that anyone can make a difference.”
Ole Missions, is a Christian organization that encourages life-long friendships, a commitment to service, and a genuine spirit of acceptance and understanding, according to its website.
“Ole Missions is a new organization that is aiming to make three trips abroad each year,” Pierce said. “I chose to lead my trip to Haiti due to the need experienced in the country and a prior connection to a trustworthy organization that would take care of our team’s needs and allow our team to have the biggest impact during our time abroad.”
Previous Ole Missions trips include a trip to Nicaragua in January led by Ole Miss student, Caroline Loveless. Cole Putnam, another Ole Miss student, is currently planning a trip to Africa this summer, which will be open to Ole Miss students.
“Through Ole Missions, we hope to provide any student who has interest in participating in a global humanitarian based mission trip with the opportunity to do so,” Pierce said. “We believe that this will begin a trend of global awareness and a desire to continue to do humanitarian work with each individual that participates in an Ole Missions trip.”
Ole Miss students, Caleb Carrol and Conner Adkins, are leading the worship service and devotional time while in Haiti.
“I believe it’s our duty as Christians to spread God’s word to every part of the world,” Carrol said. “I am extremely grateful that God has given me the ability to use music to share His message with the Ole Missions family and the Haitian people.”
A fundraiser at Mr. Feather’s on March 3, in which local bands, Mississippi Peace and Ebenezar Goodman, provided entertainment and helped Ole Missions raise $1,254 for the Haiti trip.
For more information, visit OleMissions.Weebly.com and find them on Facebook at Ole Missions.
Emily Newton is a staff reporter at hottytoddy.com and the editor of Experience Oxford magazine. She can be reached at emily.newton@hottytoddy.com.
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