Oxford Public Defender Rick Davis’ Sudden Illness Prompts B.O.A. to Elect Interim Defender

the squareOn March 1, Mayor Pat Patterson announced to the Board of Aldermen that the city’s public defender, Rick Davis, will not be returning to meetings for a period of time due to a sudden illness.

According to the Mayor, Davis suddenly became ill recently. Many city officials did not learn of his illness until Monday, February 29.

A motion was moved and accepted to allow Daniel Sparks, of Sparks Law Firm in Oxford, to act as interim public defender for 60 days at $125 per hour. After Sparks serves his time as interim public defender, the board plans to seek further assistance in case of a long absence from Davis.

Out of respect of the Davis family and the suddenness of the his illness, HottyToddy.com has chosen to not disclose Davis’ type of illness until further notice.

Emily Newton is a staff reporter for hottytoddy.com, and the editor of Experience Oxford magazine. She can be reached at emily.newton@hottytoddy.com.

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