Super Tuesday: SEC of the Presidential Campaign
March 1, labeled Super Tuesday, will determine the playing field for the rest of the presidential election.
According to some, Super Tuesday is thought of as the SEC of the presidential campaign since most of the voting states are southern.
Twelve states and one territory will cast their primary vote today for one Democrat and one Republican to represent their parties, which will help determine which presidential candidates have the most advantages of staying in the race.
Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia are all voting in primary elections today. Alaska Republicans and American Samoa Democrats are caucusing today.
For Democrats, this could be the potential downfall of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.
For Republicans, this could mean a leap ahead for top runners Trump, Cruz or Rubio. After today, we could see at least two or more of the 5 Republican candidates drop out of the campaign.
Polls are open until 7 p.m. Mississippi will have its turn to vote next week in the March 8 primary.
This article is an editorial by Emily Newton. She is a staff writer for hottytoddy.com and the editor of Experience Oxford magazine. Emily is a graduate of Ole Miss with a degree in journalism and a minor in political science. She can be reached at emily.newton@hottytoddy.com.