TJ Ray – Lafayette County Wildlife Snow Shots 2016

All photos by TJ Ray
All photos by TJ Ray

In late-November, (me) perused the Farmer’s Almanac website to see and report on what kind of wicked winter Lafayette County might be in for this year.

Its prediction: mild, wet and NO SNOW. Well that’s nice, but we couldn’t have been more wrong (which is in direct contrast to Sheldon Cooper’s theory that there are no levels of wrongness; either you’re wrong or you’re not). In this case however, we (I) were really, really wrong because it snowed, right?

Photo by TJ Ray
Photo by TJ Ray

It wasn’t a whiteout (or WHITE DEATH 2016 as one of my friends refers to our annual powdering every winter) – but it was just enough to catch the attention of photographer TJ Ray and the wildlife that visits his homemade sanctuary on a regular basis. Thank the good Lord Dr. Ray would rather shoot with a Nikon rather than a Ruger; otherwise shots like these wouldn’t be nearly as enthralling. That would be really, really, really exponentially wrong (or wrongness on the highest level).

Pelicans at Sardis Lake Photo by TJ Ray
Pelicans at Sardis Lake
Photo by TJ Ray

But, I digress. Dr. Ray got busy with his Nikon this weekend right after WHITE DEATH rolled through (note to self: since when does it thunder while it’s snowing?); and his prowess is undeniable (evident by the following shots he forwarded to

Enjoy these images because the Farmer’s Almanac guarantees no more snow this year. As for me, I’m headed to the grocery store to buy milk and bread because I think they are FLAT OUT wrong (a new level Dr. Cooper hasn’t considered).

Photo by TJ Ray
Photo by TJ Ray

Photo by TJ Ray
Photo by TJ Ray

Photo by TJ Ray
Photo by TJ Ray

Photo by TJ Ray
Photo by TJ Ray

All photos by TJ Ray
All photos by TJ Ray


Dr. TJ Ray is a retired professor from the Ole Miss English department. These days, he’s a columnist, contributor and semi-professional photographer shooting all thing Oxford and Lafayette County.

Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for He can be reached at

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