Photos courtesy of Double Decker Arts Festival
“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting”
― Andy Warhol
The 2016 edition of everyone’s favorite local gathering, Oxford’s Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar (DD), is really only a heartbeat away and HottyToddy.com is gearing up for some serious A-Z coverage of the art and music extravaganza.
Right now, other than marking your calendars in Sharpie permanent marker for April 22-23 (the 2016 festival dates), it’s important to get a couple of important deadlines out to the world.
First, for those interested in applying to be an art vendor, the deadline is fast approaching and ends on January 26. An application can be found on the DD website (Double Decker) or you can apply directly by visiting ZAAPLICATION
Secondly, Double Decker food vendor applications will be posted on the Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar website in early-February and only Lafayette County vendors will be accepted. More on that at a later date.
And lastly, a Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar press conference is set for late-February where its music listings and this year’s festival artwork and posters will be released. Rest assured; we understand the publics’ anticipation of these announcements and you’ll know as soon as we know.
As always, more information concerning these and other Double Decker Arts Festival presented by Caterpillar announcements are forthcoming and will be posted by DD as well as HottyToddy.com in the very near future. Spring, after all, is only a heartbeat away.
Hotty Toddy and happy anticipating!
Jeff McVay is a staff writer and graphic designer for Hottytoddy.com. He can be reached at jeff.mcvay@hottytoddy.com.
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