Heaton: 12 Southern Expressions for Feeling Blue
The source of the word “blue” for sadness is unknown, but it is a figure of speech common in cultures around the world.
Southern Sayings for feeling blue are mostly related to farming, and the figures on farming as a family occupation are sobering indeed.
While food prices have gone up substantially in supermarkets, the wages farmers are paid have been left out of the equation.
According to an Environmental Protection Agency report: “It has been estimated that living expenses for the average farm family exceed $47,000 per year. Clearly, many farms that meet the U.S. Census’ definition would not produce sufficient income to meet farm family living expenses. In fact, less than 1 in 4 of the farms in this country produce gross revenues in excess of $50,000.”
Enjoy these sayings while you can. I don’t think ConAgra will be adding to them.
1.) Can’t win for losing.
2.) I feel like a banjo. Everybody’s picking on me.
3.) I feel like the last pea at pea-time.
4.) I feel like the red headed step child.
5.) I feel lower than a bow-legged caterpillar.
6.) If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
7.) Lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut.
8.) Lower than an ankle bracelet on a flat-footed pygmy.
9.) Messed up like a kite in a hail storm!
10.) Sad as cucumber.
11.) Sucking hind teat.
12.) Swinging my legs from a dime.
Have you seen this man? Tim Heaton is looking for a position back down South.
Tim’s colleagues describe him as “ridiculously motivated” renaissance man with superb communication, team-building and leadership skills. He is a recognized expert in leveraging technology for organizations from athletics to high finance, and has been awarded 17 US Patents in technology. Tim is a contributing writer to HottyToddy.com and actively volunteers his technical, database and social media expertise to several nonprofits in his current home in New Jersey and in his home state of Mississippi. He is also a published author, chef and physical fitness enthusiast.
Tim and his wife Linda live in Morristown with their two sons. Tim is also the parent of Dr. Allison Pace DVM of Franklin, TN. Tim Heaton is a graduate of Ole Miss, where he is an active alumnus and supports the university in a variety of public relations efforts. He can be reached at tim.h.heaton@gmail.com.