Take a break from studying and go Pet-a-Pup!
On Dec. 5 and 6, students can attend Pet-a-Pup at the J.D. Williams Library. Lisa Brooks, secretary and treasurer for Oxford Therapets, a local chapter of Love on a Leash, said students are able to pet and play with therapy dogs in the library classroom 106 D from 3-5 p.m. this weekend.
“Pet-a-Pup is a way for students to come interact with the dogs to help relieve stress from studying,” Brooks said.
There will be several different types of dogs and pups for students to meet on Saturday and Sunday such as poodles, a shetland sheepdog, a pomeranian, a great pyrenees, a cairn terrier and a canaan. Two dogs in particular are lab mixes named Minnie and Rebel, owned by Brooks. The two pups are brother and sister and have been a part of Pet-a-Pup since 2011.
“The library ambassadors came to us in 2011 and wanted therapy dogs to come to the library to greet students studying for finals,” Brooks said.
Minnie and Rebel and the rest of their furry friends usually greet about 200 students each semester during Pet-a-Pup. Four dogs are assigned to each time slot from 3-5 p.m.
“Rebel and Minnie have their own backpack (filled with toys and treats) for when we travel,” Brooks said. “Usually, the students will pet them and get them to do tricks like high fives and hand shakes.”
Each dog featured at Pet-a-Pup can be a certified or non-certified therapy dog. Some of the dogs visit the Scott Center for special needs children in Oxford, others visit the elderly at Hermitage Gardens Assisted Living and also travel to the Oxford Learning Center.
“It’s a lot of love and attention for the dogs and the people,” Brooks said.
Take a break from studying this weekend and stop by the J.D. Williams Library because these pups are ready to play!
Emily Newton is a staff writer for HottyToddy.com and the editor Experience Oxford magazine. She is a recent graduate of the Ole Miss Meek School of Journalism and New Media. Emily can be reached at emily.newton@hottytoddy.com.Â
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