Special Election To Be Held for Ward 1 Alderman Seat
On Nov. 3, Jay Hughes won the District 12 seat of the Mississippi House of Representatives against incumbent Brad Mayo. Hughes will resign from his Ward 1 Alderman seat on Dec. 29 and will begin his tenure as Representative Hughes on Jan. 5, 2016.
“Since I was elected as Alderman for Ward 1, I have endeavored to be candid, transparent, and do what I thought was best for Ward 1 and Oxford,” Hughes said. “I cannot guaranty that I always got it right – but I can guaranty that I always did what I thought was right.”
A special election take place to fill the Ward 1 seat on Feb. 16, at the Oxford Conference Center. To be eligible to run for this office, candidates must be a resident of Ward 1, have at least 50 signatures from Ward 1 residents for support and register by Jan. 26, 2016.
“As I leave this rewarding position, I cannot take sole credit for anything,” Hughes said. “However, if you liked the music, I am proud to have been a member of the band. Oxford is truly an amazing place to call home. I am lucky I got to be a part of its direction for a few years.”
Hughes said his alderman email and campaign updates will transition to legislative update emails. To receive District 12 legislative updates from Hughes, email him at JayForDistrict12@gmail.com.
If you are a resident of Oxford and would like to get Board of Aldermen email updates, fill out this form to get involved.
Emily Newton is a staff writer for hottytoddy.com and editor of Experience Oxford. She is a recent graduate from the Meek School of Journalism and New Media at Ole Miss. Emily can be reached at emily.newton@hottytoddy.com.