Well into November, the holidays are returning. The Oxonians are heading into the seasons filled with giving and joy.
Seeing people from Oxford unite year after year to give to those in need can inspire an amazing feeling. Many organizations, companies and citizens in the Oxford community are coming together and getting a lead out for this holiday season.
These are some local holiday charities.
Graduate Hotel and Hunters’ Hollow
Newly opened, Graduate Hotel wants to give back this holiday season. If haven’t already done so, check out its cozy café Cabin 82, or The Coop with some friends for a late night snack! Throughout November, Graduate will be donating to local charity: Oxford Lovepacks. When ordering The Coop’s pecan pie with its infamous cinnamon ice-cream and bourbon sauce, or Cabin 82’s
Mississippi mud cheesecake with fudge, snickers and chocolate graham cracker crust, 50 percent of the proceeds from the sales will go directly to the local charity.
Hunter’s Hollow will also be donating to Oxford Lovepacks by auctioning off a hand carved Colonel Reb. Jordan Anderson himself has carved the Colonel Reb! For an opportunity to donate, and possibly win, e-mail your bids to daghh@huntershollow.com. The last bids will have to be sent in by 5 p.m. on November 30.
Oxford Lovepacks was founded in 2010 with the goal to put a stop to hunger. It provides healthy food for school-aged children who are in need in the Oxford and Lafayette area. The organization provides for these children on weekends and holidays.
Greek Organizations Operation Christmas Child
Ole Miss students themselves have been preparing as well. The Greek community has been getting ready for the holidays with only a shoebox. Each sorority and fraternity has been competing against one another to see who can fill enough shoeboxes to send to children across seas to children who need it. The boxes are filled with food, toiletries or gifts that can fit into them.
Ornament Auction
For those who are an artist, or at least has a passion for the arts, can contribute a handmade ornament. On December 10 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Yoknapatawpha Arts Council will be hosting its annual holiday party and ornament auction at the Powerhouse on University Avenue. The party is free to current members of the Arts Council or 25 dollars otherwise. The tickets can be purchased online: OxfordArts.com.
At this event, there will be local restaurants providing food samples along with Doggy Swami to read fortunes and live music.
The organization fundraises each Christmas season to support local art programs and education for the arts.
More Than A Meal
Every two weeks More Than A Meal collects toiletry items for the people of Oxford. During these cold months they will also be collecting winter jackets for children, and hats and gloves for adults starting November 10.
More Than A Meal meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. other than when school is out at the Stone Center. By providing a sense of community, the organization strives to help women, children and men in need in the Oxford area. They contribute warm meals, tutoring for children and more by helping families to get back on their feet.
Everyone is welcome to help or volunteer. Read more on its website at www.mtamoxford.org and visit its Facebook page: More Than a Meal.
The Oxford Christmas Store
Going on its 34th year of fundraising, the Christmas Store Committee is coming together with Ole Miss’ Rotary Club and Interfaith Compassion Ministry. They will be giving books and toys to children up to the age 14 in the Oxford community who may not get a Christmas.
Although they will be fundraising, others are welcome to support by donating toys. The gifts can be dropped off at 904 North Lamar Boulevard, and further questions can be emailed to OxfordChristmasStore@gmail.com.
Children who receive these gifts are determined based on applications received through local schools, Interfaith Compassion Ministry and churches. Once selected, the child’s parents receive two toys and a book for each child.
Marissa Caputo is a journalism student at the Meek School of Journalism and New Media. She can be reached at macaputo@go.olemiss.edu.
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