Natalie Moore is project and marketing manager at Bar-Z, a mobile app firm in Austin, Texas. She took the position in September 2014 to learn more about the digital realm of publishing with the hope to rejoin the journalism industry with this knowledge.
Her work is assigned to two departments: marketing and production.
On the production side, she works with newspapers and magazines to help them develop their digital products. Most of these are niche publications like visitor guides and high school sports apps. She guides them through the Bar-Z process and trains them on their Drupal CMS.
“This has been very eye opening since I get to see some more of the individual voice of each publication,” she wrote Dr. Samir Husni. “It has been a wonderful extension of my Morris internship because it has shown me more of how the industry works.
“On the marketing side, I have a variety of duties. I manage our social media and write content for our blog. I also assist customers with marketing tactics and write news releases for them. There is a lot of copy-editing involved, as well.”
Moore was a management intern at Morris Communications in Augusta, Georgia, during the summer of 2014. She was a public relations intern at the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal from February 2014 through May 2014 and a WHOAwomen Magazine intern from January 2014 through May 2014. From April 2013 through May 2014, she was a design editor for The Daily Mississippian, and campus and city news reporter from August 2010 through March 2012.
“I am thankful to Professor Samir Husni for passing along his wisdom,” she wrote. “I find myself telling clients a lot of what I was taught in his classes.”
Courtesy of the Meek School of Journalism and New Media