Local Photographer Matt Taylor Captures Mississippian Beauty

Matt Taylor
Matt Taylor

There’s an array of talents lying in the midst of citizens in the city of Oxford, photography being one of the most significant. As the town continues to see expansion in venues and multiple other forms of visual scenery, it calls for photographers passionate about the beauty and art of Oxford.

Matt Taylor of Crooked Letter Photography started his business only last summer but said that he’s been taking pictures for as long as he can remember. He’s inspired by the beauty of Mississippi. It shows in the name he chose for his business.

“I chose the name from being inspired by the beauty that Mississippi has to offer. I thought I would incorporate that into the name. It was taken from the alternative way to spell Mississippi “the crooked letter “I” crooked letter, crooked letter… I thought it was fitting given the focus of my photography.”

He spends countless hours seeing to its success.

“I try to get out every week to shoot something. I’ve got two young kids at home, so it’s not always easy. Sometimes I take them with me. They really seem to enjoy getting out and taking pictures with me, which makes me happy,” he said.”

Taylor said that it’s something he’s always had a passion for. As far back as he can remember, he’s enjoyed taking pictures.

“I’ve had friends and family members encourage me to do this for a while now. I don’t know, this summer something finally just clicked and I felt the time was right. I contacted a life-long friend of mine to help me design my website and get my business up and running. I’ve also used social media to help promote my business; mostly Facebook, but also Twitter and Instagram.

Taylor’s love for photography dates back years.

“I still have my first 35mm camera way back from when I was in high school. I actually have a collection of vintage cameras, some dating back to over 100 years ago. It’s just kind of a hobby of mine. My mom came across a 1909 Kodak Model, a camera that belonged to my great-great grandfather and she gave it to me a few years ago. I’ve just added to it over the years. I think I have about 12 or so,” he said.

Taylor has been working to perfect his work for quite some time and continues each day with the process.

“I’ve been working towards it for about the past three or four years. But I’m still constantly trying to perfect it. New technology and new editing software and apps let me experiment with different looks and images,” he said.

He makes sure to try and highlight the beauty that Mississippi and surrounding states have to offer.

“I just got tired of Hollywood and the national media always showing us in a negative light. There’s so much more to us than how we get portrayed sometimes,” he said.

Taylor greatly enjoys his business, and though it is part time currently, he looks to see it become a full time job in the future.

“Right now I’m just doing this part time. It’s something I enjoy, and at the same time it’s a way to supplement my income. I guess I’d love to see me be able to transition into doing this full time one day,” he said.

In following his dream, he encourages others to do the same.

“I can only hope that by me pursuing my passion that it will inspire others to do the same, especially my kids. My son is really too young to understand, but my daughter sees it. And I tell her all the time to continue to apply herself in school and sports, so one day she can be or do whatever she wants to,” he said.

Taylor does most of his work in Mississippi but is free to travel.

“I’m always open to branching out into other cities. Being a mostly online business, I’m pretty much free to go or do anything. I already have a few albums from outside of Mississippi available now on my website. Locations that include Memphis, New Orleans and the Alabama/Florida gulf coast,” he said.

For more information regarding bookings or inquiries, please contact Matt at 6628015955 or email him: matt@crookedletterphotography.com. www.crookedletterphotography.com

Mia Sims is a HottyToddy.com reporter and can be reached at masims@go.olemiss.edu




Adam Brown
Adam Brown
Sports Editor