Vassallo: Stranger than Fiction – Could Hillary Support Trump?

Hillary Clinton / Photo courtesy Hillary Clinton Facebook page

Here’s a scenario that you read and heard first on “Bear” with me while I lay it all out. Assuming some of the D.C. politicos are correct and the Obama administration is actually behind deep sixing Hillary, and they are able to swing the nomination to Joe Biden. What if then the Clinton machine supports Trump in the general election?

Vice President Joe Biden / Photo courtesy Joe Biden Facebook page

Say it’s impossible? Think again. The Clintons have had a friendly and cordial relationship with the Trumps up until now. Currently, there is no love lost between the two camps unless. And that “unless” would be Hillary once again getting derailed by Obama. It happened  eight years ago when the Governor of New Mexico threw his support to Obama in Iowa which ultimately led to Obama’s eight years in the presidency.

The Clintons have long memories and to have the rug pulled out from under them again would be a tough pill to swallow. The 2007 presidential sweepstakes has a glaring number of similarities to now.

President Barack Obama / Photo courtesy Barack Obama Facebook page

Hillary is once again the front runner to the Democratic nomination; there are a few others in the mix; and the Republicans are still attempting to find their candidate with no clear choice, at least for now. It’s true Trump has 23-27% of the vote depending which poll you are referencing, however, that’s a long way from 51.

The Donald is gaining momentum and if it continues to the nomination, who would Hillary support….Uncle Joe or Trump? I cannot see any scenario in which she could enthusiastically support Biden. Politics is a blood sport. If you disagree, review your history books to the Kennedy-Johnson era or more recently to the Reagan-Ford-Bush competitions. It’s never clear cut. And there may be more twists and turns in this election process than any in memory. Remember where you heard this first! Only on….I not only report the news but anticipate it.

Steve Vassallo

Steve Vassallo is a contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at or call him at 985-852-7745.