Water Line Break Causes Boil-Water Advisory in Harmontown
Harmontown Water Association has issued a Boil-Water Alert on Tuesday, August 18, for customers who receive their drinking water from their water supply located in Lafayette County.
This affects approximately 69 customers on Hwy 310 east and County Roads, 523, 507, 509, 5016 and CR 505.
Water system officials notified the Mississippi State Department of Health of a pressure loss due to one or more line breaks.
Health officials strongly recommend that all water be boiled vigorously for one minute before it is consumed. This precaution will last at least two full days and water system officials will be immediately notified when the boil water alert is lifted.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency sets drinking water standards and has determined that the presence of total coliform is a public health concern. Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other potentially harmful bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems with the treatment process or pipes which distribute the water.
Checklist for Safe Water Use
- Do not drink tap water while the water system is under a boil water advisory.
- Do not drink from water fountains in parks, public or private buildings that receive water from the affected system.
- Do not use ice unless it has been made with boiled water. Freezing will not necessarily kill harmful bacteria.
- Do not use tap water to make drinks, juices, or fountain soft drinks
- Wash your dishes in boiled water, or use paper plates for the next few days.
- Wash your fruits and vegetables with boiled or bottled water since they may have been exposed to affected water from grocery store sprayers.
- Wash your hands and bathe as usual. Bathing is safe as long as no water is swallowed.
- Brush your teeth with boiled or bottled water.
- Cook with tap water if the food will be boiled for at least one minute.
When your boil-water notice is lifted:
Flush faucets for a total of 10 minutes to introduce system water throughout house plumbing.
1 faucet — run for 10 minutes
2 faucets — run both for 5 minutes
3 faucets — run each for 3-4 minutes
Flush any faucet a minimum of 2 minutes to ensure clearing of the line serving the faucet.
Discard any drinks, ice, food, etc, made during the boil water notice.
Rewash any food or drink contact items (knives, forks, plates, etc.) with “cleared” system water.
Check water filters (in faucets, refrigerators and elsewhere) and replace if necessary.
Do not use water from your hot water heater for drinking until several exchanges of the tank have occurred.
Run dishwasher through a cycle or two before washing dishes.