Oxford Police Department Announces Increased Square Presence


The Oxford Police Department will be executing enforcement details in and around the Downtown Square area starting this week.

“The beginning of the academic calendar is always a good time to establish behavioral expectations. We want people to have fun, but we want them to be safe too,” says Joey East, Chief of the Police Department. “We will have an increased presence in and around the Downtown Square area. Our goal is to be proactive in deterring any disturbances or unsafe activities.”

Officers will be patrolling the area on foot, in cars and on horseback. They have been instructed to write citations and even make arrests for violations such as open container, public drunkenness, disturbing the peace, and any other violations that may occur.

Patrons who are in doubt about their ability to drive are encouraged to take advantage of the multiple taxi and pedi-cab companies, as well as exercising caution if choosing to walk home at night. The department advises that people travel in small groups and not alone. Officers will also be patrolling surrounding neighborhoods to ensure both pedestrians’ and residents’ safety. This proactive approach is a direct effort to maintain public safety in a high volume area.

The Oxford Police Department is here for your safety so as always, do not hesitate to contact the department at any time should the need arise.

For more information call the Oxford Police Department at 662-232-2400.