Online Survey Seeks Input on Chancellor Search


The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning has launched an Online Listening Session seeking input on the qualities and qualifications needed in the next Chancellor of the University of Mississippi.

It provides those unable to attend the Listening Sessions scheduled in Oxford and Jackson the opportunity to give their feedback in a quick and easy format.

“We would like to hear from as many members of the Ole Miss community as possible,” said Alan Perry, Chair of the Board Search Committee. “We understand that many alumni, students, staff, and other friends of the University cannot conveniently attend any of the scheduled in-person Listening Sessions, so we designed this Online Listening Session to provide them with an additional way to give us their thoughts on the needed experience, traits, and qualities of the next Chancellor. However, we hope to hear from as many people as possible at the in-person Listening Sessions at UMMC on August 20 and in Oxford on August 27.”

The online survey is available here, and is part of the Chancellor Search website, which provides a wealth of information on the search, including the latest news, frequently asked questions and search progress. It was recently redesigned to be more user-friendly and provide the information in a more intuitive format.

Courtesy UM Communications