Oxford’s Art-er Limit Fringe Fest Begins Thursday, to Feature Various Acts

Fringe Fest Official Poster

The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council presents its annual “Art-er Limits Fringe Fest” beginning this Thursday, August 6th, kicking off at 6 p.m. with an “Iron Bartender” competition at The Powerhouse Community Arts Theater, featuring musical guests Dutch Loves Bijou. Just as on Iron Chef, the television series, contestants will be given a box of items with which they must make a drink that, hopefully, will be the winner.

The following two days are full of events celebrating the arts—of all kinds—with the main focus being the avant garde. Fringe Fest is basically an amazingly elaborate art crawl meets an art festival, as the festival features events of all kinds happening simultaneously at different establishments all over Oxford. All of the events occurring on Friday, August 7th and Saturday, August 8th are too numerous to describe here. As the Arts Council describes on their website:

“The festival gets fringe-y Friday and Saturday with art exhibits, workshop, classes, and performances. The festival boasts 70 planned experiences in 72 hours including pop up events happening in local shops. It takes place around the Oxford Square the festival offering a walking tour of Oxford as festival patron’s tour and attend exhibits and performances. “

Two events in particular are premiere must-sees, described below. For the full festival lineup, please visit here.


Oxford’s own Alice Walker—well-decorated actress, director and producer—is presenting a premiere performance of “Women Who Waited— Stories of Wives of Vietnam Veterans—In Their Own Words”—written by famed author Judith Isacoff. The performance features local women actors who lived through the Viet Nam war period. They will be reading from the transcriptions that Isacoff collected from women who had husbands who went to Viet Nam, leaving their wives behind to wait, worry, and carry on alone—until, hopefully, their husbands returned home safely.

Women Who Waited - from L to R - Wendy Garrison, Marilyn Frey, Lynn Wells, Marge McCauley
The local actresses who will portray the women in Women Who Waited are, from left, Wendy Garrison, musical accompaniment on guitar; Marilyn Frey; Lynn Wells and Marge McCauley. Photo by Alice Walker.

Actress Lynn Wells speaks of her participation in this production:

“I was very flattered when Alice [Walker] asked that I read the part of Janet in Women Who Waited. My dearest friends are also reading parts and this  combination was a win-win for me! I listened to myself as I tried to explain  the 60s…Viet Nam, integration, the race for space, the music revolution,Woodstock, bra burning, LSD etc., to my grand daughters – even I became overwhelmed and I lived through every second of the craziness! I am pleased to take a look back with a distant eye on this very controversial time in order to give respect and gain introspect.”

The performance will play Friday, August 7th at 9 p.m. at the Powerhouse Community Arts Center. Admission is $5, and with that purchase you will receive a button that is good for admission to the entire festival, which is quite an incentive to go in itself. And if all of this is not enough to make you want to see this amazing production, Judith Isacoff herself will be in attendance. Buttons are available at the door, or you may purchase them here.


Appearing for two consecutive nights during the festival is Glimpse Entertainment Company’s fresh, new and hip production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Showing at 6 p.m. on both Friday, August 7th and Saturday, August 8th at Burns Belfry, this take on the famous Shakespeare play will change what you think about Shakespeare plays. A cast of 13 actors playing over 25 roles come together to combine acting, visual art, dance, music, video and spoken word set to the tale of four lovers who enter a magic world that will, “thrill the senses and stir the soul.”

Jason Hudson, Executive Director of Glimpse Entertainment and Director of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, has done over 500 shows, and has put together a revolutionary production in this version of the Shakespeare classic. From the costume, to the stage production, to the way many actors play more than one role and are also part of the production crew; this show is sure to be a show-stopper.

Here is a small preview of the many beautifully baroque, yet totally hip, costumes that will be featured in the production—modeled by the actor and actresses that will be wearing them in the production.


Chasity Williams, pictured above, is an actress in the play who is one of the many doing double duty—she plays both the character of “Hippolyta” and “Titania—The Fairy Queen.” Here she is showing off the beautifully done costume for Hippolyta.

Photo by Jason Hudson

Joshua Heylin, playing the part of “Egeus”–the Athenian father of Hermia–shows off the very avante garde and slightly goth rendition of the costume for his character.

Photo by Jason Hudson

And last, but certainly not least, is the very talented Kayleigh Graham – Producer of the show who also plays the part of “Helena.” She is pictured here showing off more of the very talented costumer’s modern version of “Helena.”

Must-See Events for Friday, August 7th

Fringe Fest will be going full-out on Friday, August 7th, beginning a two-day run, firing off over 70 events covering every kind of art form from live body painting, a Burlesque show, numerous local bands performing at many different venues around the Square, comedy improve troupes, dance performances, and even a dance on the Courthouse lawn. Listed are a few events you don’t want to miss.


At 5 p.m. Friday, there will be a viewing of the film The Good Old Boy – an adaptation of the book written by the late, great Oxford author Willie Morris — at the Powerhouse Community Arts Center. This film viewing will be followed by a Q&A session with Larry Wells, another Oxford writer who spent time with Willie Morris and knew him well.

Pictured is Larry with Willie Morris in the Grove at Ole Miss in October, 1979, accompanied by Larry’s wife Dean Faulkner Wells (niece of William Faulkner) and Adam Shaw. Photo submitted.


At 9 p.m., Friday, Oxford’s own Holy Ghost Electric Show will be performing at The Lyric on the Square. This band is a local favorite with young and old alike—a tour de force of great rock-and-roll styled in their own unique, poetic, and wildly energetic Mississippi way. If you have not seen this band perform, now is the time. You won’t be disappointed, and you will definitely want to dance! Admission is $5 at the door


Photo submitted

On Saturday, August 8th, you will not want to miss world-famous Vita DeVoid’s Burlesque show at the Powerhouse Community Arts Theater. Miss Devoid, who hails from the Miami/Tampa Bay area, was voted 2014’s “Critic’s Pick for Best Burlesque Performer,” 2014’s “Best Local Dancer,” 2013 and 2014’s “Best Burlesque Act,” “Tampa’s Sexiest Female,” and many other accolades and awards won in years prior.

Photo submitted
Photo submitted

Miss DeVoid is an amazing performer, who portrays recurring characters such as, “The Fireproof Woman,” a “…fire-eating, fire-breathing sparks-flying spectacular [with] sultry beginnings and a finale with explosions in the sky…” among many other outrageously beautiful and artistic characters. The show begins at 8 p.m., and will be well worth the $10 admission charge. See you there!


Story and photos by Suanne Strider for HottyToddy.com.