Eating Oxford
Let Food Be Thy Medicine: OXCM Launches Good Food Prescription Service
Oxford healthcare providers are used to writing prescriptions for various medications but taking a cue from good old Hippocrates, doctors can now encourage patients to “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
This month, thanks to a partnership with United Way of Lafayette County, Oxford City Market launches its Good Food Prescription Program which will allow doctors to write “prescriptions” for fruits and vegetables that patients can redeem at the market at no cost. These vouchers offer a way for healthcare providers to talk to patients about the importance of eating healthy fruits and vegetables and will hopefully bring new customers to the market community.
“Not only do the vouchers provide an opportunity for doctors to discuss the connection between good food and good health, they also present the patient with a direct action they can take to start eating healthier,” said market director Betsy Chapman. “Additionally, we are hopeful that the vouchers will bring new families to the market that will enjoy our community so much that they become regulars!”
Between July 2015 and June 2016, one hundred $10 vouchers will be distributed to Oxfords pediatric patients. OXCM is partnering with Lafayette Pediatric Clinic and Ross Family Dental Clinic to get the vouchers in the hands of kids who can redeem them at the market, which is held every Tuesday, April-November from 3-6:30 p.m. on West Oxford Loop.
According to the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, this program is the first of its kind in Mississippi. OXCM Good Food Prescription program is managed by Chapman and is made possible through a grant from United Way of Lafayette County.
“We’re very grateful for United Way’s support of this program and our efforts to use the market as a vehicle to improve health and wellness is Lafayette County,” said Chapman.
For more information about this and other OXCM programs, call 662-832-7257 or email