On March 2, Oxonian Steve Vassallo published a column about his childhood experience watching New York Yankees pitcher Don Larsen pitch the only perfect game in World Series history against the Brooklyn Dodgers on Oct. 8, 1956.
He never imagined that four months later, Larsen would actually read the column, let alone send him an autographed commemoration plaque.
“It was quite a surprise,” Vassallo said. “He actually read my story and sent [the plaque] to Jake Gibbs to give to me. When I wrote the story last fall, I was just thinking that this would be something fun to write about. I never thought that something as innocent as a childhood story would have such a far-reaching and notable audience.”
Vassallo received the plaque in the mail last week. He plans to hang it in his sports memorabilia room. “It will have a prized spot in there along with my other Yankees, Ole Miss and pro golf memorabilia,” he said.
Vassallo, who was born in Bronx, New York, has always been a Yankees fan. On the day of the perfect game, the fourth-grade Vassallo faked an illness just so he could stay home and watch the game. “Thank God I had understanding parents!” He wrote in his column. “Back then, all World Series games were played in the daytime, so I knew I could not miss that game,” he said.
Vassallo described the game as “very intense,” writing “Only once, in the first inning against Pee Wee Reese, did Larsen go to three balls on a batter. Yogi Berra, number 8, Was Larsen’s battery mate that day. Yogi called an incredible game that day. ”
Steve Vassallo is an Oxford businessman who frequently contributes sports and other columns to HottyToddy.com. Read his other columns here.
Beth Harmon is managing editor for HottyToddy.com. Email her at beth.harmon@hottytoddy.com