Feltenstein’s Uncommon Wisdom: Give Up Hope
Give up hope. Hope has never done you a bit of good. To me, hope says that you wish something would happen the way you want it to, but it could just as easily not.
Kind of like shooting craps only the odds aren’t as good. You don’t need hope. You need FAITH. Faith says that you BELIEVE something will happen and you have no doubt about it.
Hope is mixed with uncertainty. Faith is grounded in absolute certainty. Now which is more powerful? When you have hope, you also have doubt. When you have faith, there is no doubt. And who is willing to take action on something that could just as easily not come about as come about? Not ME! And I don’t think you would either.
I believe it is much easier to take action on what you KNOW is true! It is easier to get up off your butt and do something when you are sure of the outcome. And when you have faith – that unshakable belief that what you know, you KNOW that you know, then it isn’t hard at all to do what it takes to see your faith turn into something tangible.
Give up hope and cling to belief and faith.
Now, Go be AMAZING!