Meet #HottyToddy Cutie Miller Moore

#HottyToddy cutie Miller Moore wears a Doc Band because he has moderate cases of Brachycephly and Plagiocephaly. His parents painted his specialty helmet to look like a real Ole Miss football helmet.

Our #HottyToddy Cutie is 6-month-old Miller Edward Moore. He is the son of Ole Miss alumni Chris and Ally Moore of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Miller and his parents, Chris and Ally Moore

Miller has moderate cases of Brachycephaly and Plagiocephaly, so doctors put him in a specialized helmet to round out his cranium.

“Since the first day he was born we noticed that Miller favored his left side,” his mom, Ally, said.

Miller is 6 months old. His birthday is Jan. 9.
Miller is 6 months old. His birthday is Jan. 9.

Because Miller favored the left side, it caused this cranium to flatten and move the ear upward.

“Also, during my last month of pregnancy, he was on my pelvis, causing him to get a flat back and front cone-shaped head,” Ally said.

Miller’s pediatrician was worried and sent Miller and his parents to Cranial Technologies in Charlotte, which specializes in the Doc Band—a special helmet specifically made for each child that shapes the specific areas of the head.

To add some festivity to Miller’s plain white Doc Band, his parents decided to jazz it up with a little bit of true Rebel spirit. “We painted his Doc Band like an Ole Miss helmet,” Ally said.

Now, Miller will have a fun, unique keepsake (and lots of pictures) that he can look back at someday.

Miller’s white helmet was too plain, so his parents decided to jazz it up with some Rebel spirit.
Miller is all smiles! Maybe he’s imagining his first tailgate in the Grove

It will take approximately 12 weeks to reshape Miller’s cranium, but even after only wearing the band for three weeks, Miller has already shown improvement. “We can already see a huge difference,” Ally said.

An only child, Miller loves to attend Mommy and Me Classes at Gymboree Play and Music, as well as dance, talk and chew on just about anything he can get his hands on. His mom says he also enjoys watching Curious George and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV.

Miller’s parents are both graduates of the University of Mississippi. Ally earned a bachelors degree (2007) and masters degree (2008) in elementary education. She now teaches third grade in Charlotte. Chris earned a bachelors degree (2008) in business management and is a golf professional at a country club in Charlotte.

Beth Harmon is managing editor for Email her at