The Tags Are In! Oxford Schools Specialty License Plate Now Available

HTTagPhotoYou see them everywhere in Oxford – license plates promoting Ole Miss, the Blues Trail or “I Care For Animals.” As of July 1, those who support the Oxford school system can show their pride on their rides with the new Oxford School District specialty tag.

The Oxford School District Foundation (OSDF) pre-sold more than 300 of the tags, which feature the popular Charger O-bolt logo. People who filled out a request form and paid the $31 fee to OSDF now have 60 days to pick up their plates from the county tax collector’s office at 300 N. Lamar Boulevard, Suite 103, in Oxford.

“The successful completion of this tag campaign equals free money for the Oxford School District,” said Betsy Smith, who spearheaded the car tag campaign for OSDF.

In fact, the pre-sold tags raised more than $8,000 to put right back into Oxford classrooms and provide innovative learning experiences for students in every district school.

“We want to thank the Oxford School District and the community for helping us with this campaign,” said Camie Bianco, president of OSDF.  “The support has been tremendous.”

The school district website has all the details for those who have already purchased tags, but OSDF President-Elect Allyson Best says anyone who wants to order an OSD specialty tag now can still do so.

“Please visit your local county tax collector / assessor’s office, fill out the forms and an O-bolt plate will be mailed to you directly from the state,” said Best.  “Request forms are no longer available through the Oxford School District or the OSDF, but the schools will still receive $24 for every plate sold.”

Those who pre-paid for tags should be aware of the following:

  • Give the tax collector the name you provided on your reservation form and they will match it against a list provided with the district’s application to verify that you have prepaid for your specialty plate.
  • You will have to pay any taxes or fees that are currently due on your plate.
  • You will need to surrender your current plate; the new plate will have the same expiration date as your current plate.
  • If you pick up your plate after August 31, you will be asked to pay an additional fee.