State Board of Education Approves Public Comment Period
The Mississippi Board of Education voted Friday to begin the public comment period on a policy for the use of seclusion and restraint in schools.
The public comment period will last 30 days.
At the Board’s April meeting, the Office of School Performance discussed a draft policy around seclusion and restraint that was based on research from other state departments of education and the U.S. Department of Education recommendations. Following that meeting, staff at the Mississippi Department of Education met with various stakeholder groups, including the Mississippi ACLU, Special Education Advisory Council, Parents for Public Schools, Mississippi School Boards Association and Mississippi Families As Allies, to seek their input.
“The comments and suggestions we received were helpful and we appreciated their contributions to a policy that we hope will provide a safe and orderly school environment that’s conducive to learning,” said Dr. Bill Welch, executive director of safe and orderly schools and conservatorship.
The policy defines seclusion and restraint, outlines general procedures for implementing the policy, and describes the school districts’ responsibilities for developing written policies and procedures. For more information about the policy, click here for the Secretary of State’s Administrative Bulletin and search for Department of Education. To submit a public comment, written comments must be sent to bwelch@mde.k12.ms.us or mailed to Dr. Bill Welch, Bureau Director, Mississippi Department of Education, P.O. Box 771, Suite 210, Jackson, MS 39205-0771.
From the Mississippi Department of Education