Trees can add up to 10 percent to a property’s value, according to the USDA Forest Service. They look great surrounding your home, provide shade and add texture to the curb appeal. Tall trees look pretty majestic, too, but sometimes they can be a liability to your property.
Tall trees, with just a little greenery on top may also be dead or dying trees and truthfully, most homeowners have better things to spend their money on than tree removal and replacement. However, consider this: A storm could come through with medium to high winds and break those tall trees causing damage to the yard and the possibly the house.
This recently happened to a friend’s property. The house, yard and tall trees looked amazing. Their height added to the fact that the house is on a hill with a long sloping yard and added texture and a sleek linear look to the curb appeal. But a storm broke several of the large limbs that appeared alive when, fact, the branches were mostly dead except for the few leaves at the tips.
Now for the cleanup and the loss of curb appeal until the cleanup is finished. The trees have to come down because of the current threat they pose to the house. Next comes the decision to replant.
New trees can’t match the height the old ones provided. New trees will be lower than the tree line and the house. But here’s where creative gardening can come in.
If you have a situation like this one, consider flowering shrubs which grow full to replace the loss of the linear tree trunks. These will fill in and remain below the line of the house on the hill giving the eye more to look at and if done creatively, the plants can appear to frame the house. Then add some Crepe Myrtles, Gem Magnolias, Redbuds or other trees near the home to replace some shade.
Be careful with your tree choices. There are many that can be a liability in the future because of shallow root structure, branch weakness and propensity to disease. These include Sweet Gum (seed pods are dangerous where you walk), Weeping Willows (shallow roots, they tend to fall), Bradford Pear (weak limb structure; break easily).
Consult your tree specialist or garden shop professional for ideas. Take photos of your home so they’ll have an idea what you’re both working with.
Eileen Saunders is a contributor who writes on curb appeal and gardening. A certified Junior Master Gardener Instructor and Master Environmental Educator, Eileen is also a realtor in the Oxford office of Tommy Morgan Inc., Realtors. You can contact Eileen at or call her at (662) 404-0816. For more home tips, follow her Facebook page.