My Michelle’s Makes Quick, Clean Eating Possible with Grab & Go Salad Cooler

Living in Oxford can be tasty when given enough time to enjoy the many wonderful restaurants the town has to offer. When in a hurry, it can be hard to find that healthy solution to your summer diet. My Michelle’s found a way to help solve that problem by providing a grab and go salads cooler at The Depot on North Lamar.

unnamed-5My Michelle’s restaurant and caterer, located on North Lamar across from Lamar Lounge, opened their new grab and go salads cooler at The Depot on Wednesday.

“We are very excited,” said Rounsaville. The salads are created and topped with fresh natural ingredients to satisfy your cravings.

Rounsaville recently switched My Michelle’s over to a cleaner eating experience for customers this January as the restaurants New Year’s resolution.

“The salads are geared toward individuals that really care about the quality of food that they put in their bodies, as well as, the nutritional value of food.”

Customers can see the ingredients in the salads listed on the menu. My Michelle’s is making healthy salads on the go a possibility with fresh vegetables, homemade dressings and no added sugar.

unnamed-3“We cook all the meats in house, so sodium content is low and controlled,” said Rounsaville. All of the salad dressings are sweetened with very little organic honey to cut the acidity of the vinegar.

Along with the new salad cooler at The Depot, My Michelle’s will have their frozen casseroles and their homemade grab and go Chicken Salad.

For more information about My Michelle’s and their new Grab and Go Salads Cooler at The Depot, visit their website or give them a call at (662) 236-1512.

Mary Frances Stephens is a staff reporter and can be reached at