Oxford Crime Report: Friday – Sunday, May 8 – 10


Oxford police responded to the following incidents: 14 alarms, 13 disturbances, nine suspicious activities, nine noise violations, seven fire department assists, four welfare concerns, three petit larcenies, three motorist assists, three 911 hang up calls, three improper parking, three lost properties, three careless drivers, two animal complaints, two trespassing, two scams, two counterfeit currency, two malicious mischief, a civil matter, a littering, a simple assault, a harassment, an aggravated assault, an identity theft, an ambulance assist, a business burglary at Discount Building Materials and auto-burglaries (per unlocked vehicles) at Troon Loop, Turnberry Cove, Glen Eagle, Parkview, Whirlpool, University Avenue and Canterberry.

Oxford police investigated 22 wrecks, issued 43 traffic citations and made 21 arrests on the following charges: (5) public intoxication; (4) trespassing; (3) careless driving and DUI; (2) shopliftings; a warrant served; a littering; a discharging fireworks within city limits; a speeding with DUI; an obstruction of traffic with DUI; a speeding with suspended driver’s license and a warrant served; a DUI wreck (no injuries); and a possession of drug paraphernalia.

University police responded to the following incidents: eight traffic details, two disturbances at Campus Walk, a report of a suspicious person at Crosby Hall, a burglary at Campus Walk, an accidental injury of a bicyclist on Rebel Drive, a service call for an ambulance at Oxford-University stadium, a vehicle wreck on Chucky Mullins Drive, a larceny at Campus Walk, a service call for an ambulance to Stewart Hall, a trespassing at J.D. Williams Library, a hit and run at Guess Hall, a possession of drug paraphernalia at Kincannon Hall, a report of a suspicious person on University Avenue, a larceny of bicycles at Turner Center, and a trespassing at Vaught-Hemingway Stadium.

Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls: a diesel spill right by the A/C with the smell coming through the vent at 12:57 and the fire department washed the spill on May 8, a smell of gas at 12:30 a.m. because the pilot light on stove had not gone out on May 9, an alarm system malfunction at 4:17 a.m. in George Hall on May 9, a smoke detector activation at 8:33 a.m. from a shower steam in Crosby Hall on May 9, a smoke detector activated at 9:30 a.m. by cooking at 801 South 16th on May 9, a smell of paint thinner at 3:12 p.m. since workers applied floor sealer in new business next to Square Books on May 9, a small grass fire at 12:02 p.m. between Kroger and Riverside on May 10, a woods fire at 2:37 p.m. on Old Taylor Road by the bike trail on May 10, a camper fire at 9:51 p.m. at the roundabout by Swayze Field on May 10, a call of a smell of smoke with a downed powerline at 3:23 p.m. but no discoveries of such were made at the IHOP area on May 10, and an assistance call to cut breaker off an oven at 5:27 p.m. at Lexington Pointe Apartments.

All photographs and lists in Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.